Читать книгу Starting a Business QuickStart Guide - Ken Colwell PhD MBA - Страница 39



Mindful individuals keep an eye on long-term goals, without being distracted by day-to-day hindrances or the doubts and negative feedback of well-meaning individuals. This doesn’t mean that mindful entrepreneurs don’t take advice. The trick is to know the difference between advice and negativity. Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos once referred to this mindset as “stubborn but flexible.”

Everyone has advice for those starting their own businesses. That advice can be particularly insistent from people who have never started a business themselves. It also tends to be overwhelmingly negative. Everyone is in a rush to tell you why you aren’t doing the right thing. That doesn’t mean they are wrong. Successful entrepreneurs have the capacity to mentally sift through the feedback they’re getting, ignoring the unhelpful advice but being ready, willing, and able to act quickly when they hear something that makes sense to them.

This mental sifting is an important part of the decision-making process, but it also invites falling prey to shiny object syndrome. Like a magpie that lines its nest with every shiny object it can find, entrepreneurs who fall victim to shiny object syndrome chase after every new opportunity that looks promising to them without thinking through their choices or asking critical questions about utility and need. Instead, mindful entrepreneurs maintain their long-term vision about where they are headed and what they want their venture to ultimately look like, but they recognize that they don’t have all the answers, and that changing conditions may warrant changing tactics or strategies along the way.

Starting a Business QuickStart Guide

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