Читать книгу Beat the Crowd - Kenneth Fisher - Страница 14

Your Brain-Training Guide
Check Your Ego


As I said earlier, the contrarians know they won’t be right all the time. Perfection is impossible.

Even a practiced contrarian should expect to be wrong fully 30 % to 40 % of the time. You needn’t be right any more than two-thirds of the time to do fine and stay ahead of the pack. Simply being right more often than wrong is huge and exceptional. As said, a professional who is right 70 % of the time in the long term becomes an absolute living legend – and had better also be used to being wrong 30 % of the time. So you should be, too.

So how can you be right more often than wrong? I already told you: Remember markets will do whatever the herd doesn’t expect! But there are many ways to apply this simple rule. I’ll detail them. Read on!

Beat the Crowd

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