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Chapter 6: Ugly Jada



“HIT ME!!” I heard vibrate through the paper thin walls in my house followed by a loud drum beat causing me to fall out of the bed. “Can you keep up? Baby boy, make me lose my breath. Bring the noise, make me lose my breath. Hit me hard, make me lose my” my little sister song horribly with the song. I quickly jumped off the floor and into her room.

“Can I get at least a couple extra hours of sleep? It's a Saturday morning. Turn that mess off Jada”

“It ain't even morning any more. You need to wake up anyway”, she said as she looked pointing at her alarm clock. It was 3:42pm.

“You suppose to be watching me, according to daddy. I think I'm old enough but he don't think so”, my sista was in the 7th grade but my dad treated her like she was still five with pigtails.

In 7th grade I was doing stuff she probably never thought of yet, and my parents ain't care, but the silly things she do like getting a C on her report card he go crazy over. I don't understand him.

“Well, then in that case turn that crap off, I'm in charge”, I said rubbing my eyes.

“Ciara, Dajon, and Angie called”, my sister made a disgusted sound when she said Angie name. “I would call all but the last one back”

I laughed at her. She has never given me a good reason on why I should break up with Angie other than that she ain't like Angie, and she swore Angie looks at her wrong. Whatever that means?

“Why you don't like her”, I asked. She looked away from my wondering eyes before she answered.

“I just don't! That should be reason enough”

“Well, it ain't so if I ask her to come over here today you better not be rude”, she looked at me defiantly before smiling sweetly and replying. She had the look that said I'm planning something bad and there is nothing you can do about it. She has a devious mind, so I wouldn't put anything pass her.

“I won't”, she lied sweetly.

I walked out of her room and into my room, picked up my phone to call Ciara.

“Hey, ugly”, Ciara picked up on the first ring and laughed my childhood nickname.

“I thought we got over these nicknames, Scar face”, I laughed.

“Shut up big head”

“Bubble butt”, we both burst out laughing.

“You really do have a big head”, she said matter-of-factly.

“And you really do have a bubble butt”, I laughed again. She stopped laughing.

“I thought you liked my booty”, she said. It got eerily silent. I mean how do you respond to that? after 5.5 seconds of silence she burst out laughing. “Gosh, you could have at least said yes and made me feel better.” I just kept laughing.

“Yeah, whateva, listen, I gotta go call Angie. I haven’t seen her outside of school in a while, and we need some much needed quality time, so I’ll holla at you lata. Bye Babycakes”

“Boy you stupid Bye”, then she hung up. Hey I gave her a nice name and she calls me big head.

I called Angie, told her to come to my house, and then took a much needed shower. As soon as I stepped out the shower I heard the doorbell ring followed by the door opening, which could only mean one thing. Jada answered the door. I had to get down there ASAP.

I got dressed in a hurry and ran downstairs to see that Jada was interrogating Angie. Well, at least that's what it looked like.

“...and why is that?” Jada asked too sweetly.

“Because I like him”, Angie answered with wide eyes like it was a stupid question.

“But why can't you just get another one and break up with my broth---”, I picked Jada up by her shoulders and ran her upstairs to her room.

I looked her dead in the eyes and said, “I'm gone remember all this when you start bringing boys over here. You'll be lucky if they talk to you when they see you in the hallways at school”, she looked a little regretful for being rude.

She just huffed and walked into her room.

“Hey baby”, I said to Angie as I came down the stairs and hugged her.

“Hey, what's up with yo sister”, Angie asked pointing towards the stairs where my sister went, looking annoyed.

“I don't know”, I said looking away and rubbing the back of my neck.

“She needs to chill.”

“I'll talk to her alright”, I said while chuckling and putting my hands in front of me in surrender.

“Yeah, okay.” she then looked around. “Where are your parents?”

“Not Here”.

“Let's go somewhere”, she said tugging on my arm.

“Can't”, I replied as I threw myself on the couch and started flipping through the channels. “Gotta watch Jada”, I said in a monotone voice.

“Why? Isn’t she like TWELVE? That's old enough to stay home by yourself”, she said with her hands on her hips.

“Not according to my dad, and I don't wanna go there with him when he gets home, so just drop it”, I said commandingly.

“Okay, you ain't have to get rude”, I turned around to see a cute pout on her face.

“Come sit down and chill with yo amazing boyfriend, and when my parents get back we can go out ok”, she nodded happily. We sat cuddled in comfortable silence for hours watching TV.

Around SIX, I got a text from CC.

From: CC

Whatcha doin

From: Me

Watchin TV

From: CC

Oh, good. Our boy in da contest.

I can't believe I forgot after trying to remind myself for the longest, and then I forget. Typical me!

From: Me

Oh, I forgot!!!

From: CC

I figurd dat!!! Lol. Wanna come watch ova here?

From: Me

Naw, I got Ang ova here wit me.

From: CC

You can bring her

From: Me

Lemme ask her

“You wanna go to CC house to watch the Dunk competition”

“I don't think so. Why we can't watch it here?” did she really want the answer? I couldn't tell her the truth. If I did she would probably slap me. Angie is boring, and we have different views on Basketball. She sees it as just a silly game.

“Cause, it'll be more fun to watch with other people”

“I thought you said we couldn't leave yo sista here”

“We don't have to. She can come with us”

“Whatever Joe”, she whispered.

I ran upstairs and grabbed Jada. Went back down stairs with both Angie and Jada in tow locked the door and went two houses down to CC's.

“Hey CC, what's up baby girl”, I said to CC when she opened the door.

I gave her a big hug practically lifting her off the floor. She giggled before shouting, “Put me down”, when I released her she punched me in the shoulder and shoved me farther in the house. I looked back and saw that Angie was looking wildly frustrated and upset for whatever reason. What did I do?

As I was walking closer to the living room I heard CC say, “Hey Angie”, sourly. Uh oh, I can see this evening turning bad quickly. Then in a excited voice, “Sup Jada girl”, to Jada. Jada giggled then ran to CC's little brother.

I sat down on the couch and saw that Mr. Williams was in the recliner next to me.

“Sir”, I said in a deep voice as I extend my hand to him.

“Son”, he says back as he takes my hand and we shake.

Angie was standing there with confusion and slight fear written all over her face. I reached out for her hand. She came over and sat on my lap just as CC came in with Derek, Nick, and Shanell behind her. She came in with a smile but when she looked at me her smile faded. I followed her line of sight and realized she wasn't looking at me rather Angie sitting in my lap. I can’t please one without hurting the other.

“Please put that cigarette out young man”, Mr. William said to Derek.

Derek ignored him. I looked at Mr. Williams to see an annoyed look on his face.

“Derek”, CC said reprimanding him. When she saw he was unmoved by her tone she resorted to begging which she shouldn't have to do. I looked over to Mr. Williams and he looked livid. “Come on bae, put it out”, CC touched his arm. He shrugged it off and walked outside instead of just putting it out. CC looked around at everyone ashamed before going outside, slamming the door behind her. Everyone looked around, then out of nowhere Nick shouted, “Am I the only hungry one?!” He asked with a big smile. I had to laugh at his stupidity.

We all sat down and watched the dunk contest. Mr. Williams always rooted for somebody who nobody really knew, claiming we weren't real fans. About an hour into watching the tournament CC came back in followed by Derek. She looked slightly flushed.

Derek took a chair out of the dining room and straddled it backwards, making his self at home. I smirked at how pathetic he was.

Ciara sat next to Jada on the side couch. Sometime after 9, Shanelle and Nick left claiming they had homework. Jada said she was getting tired and wanted to go home. She said she could go by herself because my parents just got home. I knew my dad would have my head if Jada walked home alone even if it was 2 houses down.

Angie stood up when I did. I went over to CC and hugged her again. Shook Mr. Williams hand and waved goodbye to Mrs. Williams and Trey. As we walked out the door I caught Derek sizing me up and down and I gave him a little head nod of acknowledgment, and we left.

Who Can You Trust (The Break Down)

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