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Chapter 4: Dysfunctional



“...5,6,7,8” I repeated the routine to the team for what seemed like the thousandth time. “Again”, I shouted as I turned the music back on. One girl far in the back right corner messed up but tried to play it off. She couldn't quite get back on cue so I stopped the music and shouted, “Again!”

This continued for another hour before I got tired and shouted, “Practice tomorrow. You guys suck so don't expect to leave here before 6” I went to the locker room, got dressed and called Devon.

“Hey”, I said.

“What’s up?”

“Can you come get me?” I asked.

“Uh yea, you’re at the school?”


“Aright, I'm coming”

I hung up and looked around. Good thing Devon lived close by because everyone was leaving, and it was getting dark.

As soon as he pulled up, I jumped in.

“Sup baby, how was practice?”

“Good I guess”, I said as I put my seatbelt on.

“That’s what’s up? So you wanna go to my house?” he asked.

“Nope, got homework”

“D, you know I like you and everything but when we gone---”, I knew what he was gone ask and I also knew the answer.

“When I'm ready”, I said looking everywhere but at him as we drove away from the parking lot.

“And when is that”

“When I'm Ready”, I shouted to him. I was tired of him pressuring me about this same old thing. It's getting ridiculous.

“Okay”, he said like it didn't faze him. We were in uncomfortable silence as he drove to my apartment. When we pulled up Derek was outside talking to some boy in a hoodie. They both were smoking.

When I got out the car they were shaking hands. Derek saw me and Devon so he put out his cigarette and came to the car. I got out.

“Whatsup, Devon”, they shared a manly clap of their hands.

“Nothing much bro”

“Want one”, my brother asked Devon. Devon declined and waved me over to his window. He kissed me innocently and was about to go in for another short kiss when Derek shouted, “Okay, that's enough”, he pulled my elbow back and somehow I ended up on the steps to the apartment. Devon crunk his car back up and was about to drive away. “Ay, boy you better be taking care of my little sister”

“Gotcha”, Devon said as he drove away.

“Why you be messing with him like that”, I asked as we walked up the steps.

“Not you too”, he mumbled.

“What are you talking about”, I said as I opened our door and sat down on the couch.

“You females have been tryin’ me all week”

“The week ain't even over yet”, I said with a laugh.

“I know.”

“You are so irritable”

“Man irritable ain’t even the word no more”

“So what you been doing all day? I know you wasn't at school”

“Just chilin’”, he sat down in a chair stretched out with a cigarette in his mouth and an arm across his stomach.

“Sure”, I rolled my eyes and took out my books. “I brought your homework”

He looked at me weirdly then burst out laughing. “You think I'm finna do that”, he started laughing again. I didn't find it funny that he could care less about anything.

“You should try it sometime”

“Yeah ok”, we started laughing again.

“Shut up with all that noise in there”, my dad yelled out from his room.

“Tell yo pops to take his OLD BEHIND to bed and stop worrying about us”, Derek said loud enough for him to hear.

“Leave it alone”, I said, just as my dad came out of the room.

“What was that?” my dad asked.

“You apparently heard me if you came all the way out the room, I know that's a big step for someone your size”, Derek said as he took a big drag of his cigarette and blew the smoke out.

“Put that out”, my dad demanded as he suddenly stood right in front of Derek. Derek didn't move an inch.

Derek let out a fake bitter laugh. “Man, I don't know why you in my face like that but I'ma need you to back the hell up. You know I don't even play like that”, Derek said still not moving. “Get out my house”, my dad yelled. This wouldn't be the first time my dad has said that.

“You mean my house. I pay the bills. Maybe if you would be a man and get a job, you could actually kick somebody out”, Derek blew the smoke in my dad face.

My dad yanked Derek out the chair faster than I could blink and was trying to pin him to the door of my room, but Derek's faster so he reversed it and had him pinned by the throat.

“Stop Derek”, I yelled to him. I ran to them and tried to remove his arm. Derek let go and stormed to the other side of the apartment to his room. He slammed the door behind him, and then I heard a crash on the inside of his room.

I didn't allow him to let out his anger so he was taking it out on something in his room. My dad just straightened his self out and walked to his room like nothing happened.

I walked into Derek's room just as I heard a bang. He'd punched a big hole in the wall across from where I was standing. Shocked and scared I covered my face. “Yo pops ain't got no right to put his hands on me, Man”, he picked up the lamp by his bed and threw it at the wall. “I almost swallowed a damn cigarette, a lit cigarette at that.” He threw himself on the bed with his hands covering his face. He has major anger problems.

“Are you okay”, I asked slowly. I didn't want him mad at me. This wasn't the first time this had happened.

“I'm fine. Just leave me alone”, he said to me while pointing to the door without opening his eyes.

Without another word I left.

Who Can You Trust (The Break Down)

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