Читать книгу Who Can You Trust (The Break Down) - Keosha Boone's Gowins - Страница 13

Chapter 8: Accusations



She chose him over me, Him, over me? I don't get it! I'm used to women choosing other men over me. My mom did it...twice. My ex did it; CC does it all the time when she goes to see Joe instead of being with me, but my sister? I would have never thought that she would choose anybody...anybody over me after all I did and do for her. I fight for her every day literally, and she chose Devon over me. I've done stuff she doesn’t even know about, just so she could have what she have.

“D, what I told you about that clown”, I said in anger.

“It's not like that”

“Then what is it”, I stopped pacing and looked at her.

“He didn't do anything”, she said slowly like I was dumb.

“Then why when I came in your room you was crying”

“Devon didn't do anything to me. Dad and I had a fight”, she said. She looked as if she was lying.

“That's it?” she nodded. “Nothing else!” she nodded and looked down.

“D, do you realize that a couple more punches and Devon woulda been in the hospital, and for what...a misunderstanding.” I looked down and shook my head.

“I'm sorry”, she said with her head still down.

“You straight D, just tell me the truth next time.” we started to walk back into the party but I stopped and turned around to look at her. “Oh, and don't let yo pops upset you like that no mo. Ignore him. Don't be like me and fight him back.” she nodded. We hugged and went back inside.

When I walked in, people looked at me like I'd just strangled a man to death in front of them.

I walked up to Devon who had an ice pack to his jaw. His left eye was swollen shut, his lip was cut, and he had bruises on the side of his face. It looked like I did more damage than I attempted to. I stood in front of him, and the kid looked as if he was setting up for another fight. Someone’s persistent!

“Aye, man. I'm sorry, misunderstanding plus beer don't mix.”

“I'm the proof of that right”, he said bitterly.

“Naw, it was just a misunderstanding.” I shrugged. He didn't say anything, he just looked at me. “Where my man Adrian at? I'm about to dip and I wanna say bye.” I looked around.

“I ain't seen him”, Ashley said.

“Well, tell him I said Happy Birthday, and I’ll see him Thursday”

“Monday?” Adrian asked from behind me.

I dapped hands with him before answering.

“Cause, I'm pretty sure I ain’t going to school until Thursday”

“You just sad man! You ain't gone graduate with us”, I couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

“Like I care, boy, I gotta job”

“That ain’t a job man!”

“You getting a too deep for me right now. I'm a little tipsy so call me tomorrow with yo preaching,” I started for the door.

He saluted me. Me and Demetria left.

I woke up with a headache, I didn’t know why!

I heard a knock at my door and groaned from the pain it brought my head.

"If you ain't dying, go away!" I yelled out.

“Derek I'm going to the store, you need anything”, it seemed like she was muffled. I'm used to loud, not muffle.

“Ma, shut up for a minute”, I covered my ears with my hands, took a deep breath and my ears popped. “Now what?” I looked at her with an annoyed expression.

“Going to the store, need anything?”

“Yea, a pack of cigarettes”

“Okay, anything else?” my mom asked.

“Naw”, I pulled the cover over my head. She was still standing at the door and I knew why. She needed money.

“You gone make me ask”, I didn't say anything. “Can you give me a couple dollars?” she asked reluctantly.

“Here”, I gave her a fifty because I didn't have a smaller bill. “Newport”, I shouted before she closed my door.

I rolled over and went to sleep. When I woke up, it was the next day.

I decided to go to school because I didn't feel like being stuck in the house.

I got up and got dressed. When I looked in my back pocket for a cigarette I came up empty. Then I remembered I told my mom to get it.

I left my room and went into the living room. My mama was sleep on the couch.

“Ma”, she didn't even stir. “Ma, where my cigarettes”

“Oh, I---um, I forgot”

“Where my change”, I asked mad cause she ain't get my cigarettes.

“I spent it all”, she said quietly.

I went to the kitchen and didn't see any food or anything. “On what”


“Ma there ain’t no food in here”, I half shouted.

“Derek you---”

“Ma, where my money”, I yelled and slammed the refrigerator shut.

“I don't have it”, she whispered.

“Where is it”, I asked irately.

“I gave it to Demetria for school”

I knew she was lying, but I ain't feel like arguing with her.

As soon as I saw Demetria at school, I grabbed her by her elbow from her locker “Demetria, what happened to my money”, I asked her still frustrated.

“W-What---how I'm suppose to know. You ain't giving me any money, and I ain't taking it. Derek I swear, I wouldn't take yo money no matter how much I needed it”, she said with wide eyes that said she was telling the truth. That could only mean one thing.

“Ma is doing drugs again”

Who Can You Trust (The Break Down)

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