Читать книгу Who Can You Trust (The Break Down) - Keosha Boone's Gowins - Страница 12

Chapter 7: Say No



Ugh!!! Sundays, Every Sunday morning my parents drag me to church. It's the same old thing. Pray, Pray PRAY. It's ridiculous. I mean I pray in my spare time. Why do I need to pray out loud? I like my prayers on the inside. I have issues that some people don't need to know about.

My sister gives me a knowing look, and then rolls her eyes staring pointedly at the back of my dad's head making faces. We were in the car driving back home and we were all restless. None of us went to bed early.

“I can see you Jousling”, my dad says without taking his eyes off the road.

“Sorry”, she's says with a giggle.

“Seriously, you are the most immature 16 year old I know”, I said laughing along with her.

“Plans tonight?” my mom asked in her thick Spanish accent.

“Not yet”, I replied not looking at her.

“Well, I do. Deserae, Marissa, and I are going to the mall”, Jousling said as she took out her phone and texted away.

“To do what exactly”, my dad asked as we pulled into the Driveway.

“Shop, duh dad!” she said. Rolling her eyes like it was obvious.

“When, Now?” my mom asked.

“Uh, yeah”, Jousling replied sarcastically.

“Angie, why don't you go with them”, my dad said as I got out and acted as if I had not heard him.

“Angie, escuche a su Papa”, my mother said as I huffed and kept walking into the house.

“No”, I said when I got to the door and waited for it to be opened.

“Why not, Angie? Go with your sister”

“Why? They’re 16 year old girls who think they know it all.” I shook my head and looked down at the ground. “I’m a feel like a babysitter.” I said raising my voice and my hands as if to say, 'can't you see my problem' “Then you’re going to get mad at me for losing them. I don't think so Mama`”

“Fine Angie, do whatever you want! I’m going to remember this”, my mom said as she went upstairs.

“Remember what? That I didn't want to go with her and her bratty friends to the mall are you serious”, I looked outside to see her talking to some boy on his bike. He patted his handle bars and she hopped on them in her Sunday best clothes, and they rode away. “She doesn’t want me to come anyways”, I yelled up to where my parents were.

“Fine Angie! Do whatever you want.”

I let out a sigh, and then went upstairs to take a nap.

When I woke up I went to the office and began the report that was due next week.

Around 9, I stopped working on it, because I couldn’t grasp the concept of the essay and was getting frustrated. So, I ate some of my mom's famous Quesadilla's, and went to bed.

Monday morning was horrible. The morning show was close to disaster, because the camera wasn’t working properly, so we ended up starting late. Oh don’t get me started on my locker getting jammed; today just wasn’t my kind of day.

“Hey beautiful”, Devon says with his smooth voice he uses to get what he wants.

I give him one sharp annoyed look and say, “Can I help you”; I whipped my head around and say it harshly.

“Naw I came to see if I could help you.”, he said as he touched my hip.

I pushed his hand away, a little too slowly I guess because Joe saw it and was quickly at my side.

“Sup Devon”, Joe said in a quick breath.

“Joe”, Devon nodded at him. He put his hands in his pocket and rocked back on his heels. Then he looked at me. “Ima see you lata Angie”, he smiled.

I gave him a quick barely there smile, then looked at Joe. He hugged me and I relaxed.

“Hey”, I smile up at him.

“Hey”, he gives me a curt smile. We stood there hugged up in silence for a couple seconds before he broke it. “You going to Adrian party Saturday”, he asked.

“Joe, its Monday”, I say with a chuckle. “I got enough time to think about it”

“Yeah, but I know you gotta ask yo parents. I know how they operate”.

“You’re right”, I nod in agreement. We walked into the lunchroom and ate.


I let it happen again. How could I be so stupid? I didn't fight hard enough...what? How can I love and respect someone who is constantly doing wrong to me. I love him but I cannot keep letting him touch me inappropriately.

If I told Derek, he would kill him. If I told the police, they'd arrest him, and I don't want that. I've already told my mom, and she told me to suck it up. Well he got close enough last night before Derek got home.

He knew not to do anything if Derek was home. I had never been so happy to see Derek in my life. I ran into his room and hugged him. He eventually pushed me away but the moment was still beautiful. That all went down on Tuesday, and it wasn't the first time nor will it be the last time he touches me unless I find the will to do something about it.

It was late Friday evening. I was sitting on the couch talking on the phone with Devon. Devon wanted so badly to move our relationship to the next level, but I was scared.

Devon was a nice boy and everything but he doesn't notice the little things that a boyfriend should. He should be able to feel my emotions. He should have sensed last night that I didn't feel like talking and that something was off, but he didn't. He just tried in every way possible to talk me into sex. I had just been touched in the most inappropriate way a father could touch his daughter and now I’m being pressured into sex by my boyfriend.

Today was Saturday. I wanted to go to Adrian's party but I wasn't feeling up to it. Every time my father touches me, for days I'm depressed, and it's hard for me to come out of it. Different thoughts run through my mind, and I lie down for hours and just stare blankly at the wall, which is what I was doing when Derek walked in.

“Hey, little one, you going to Adrian party? I'm leaving right now.” he was talking fast, and I had not come out of my thought so I didn't answer him. “D, you coming?” he asked again. He snapped his fingers in front of my face and I didn't even blink. “Not again.” I heard him mumble as he sat on the edge of my bed. He knew the routine. “D, you can't keep letting Devon get to you. I swear if you end up like this again, I'm gone have to knock him out.” he said as he put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder and cried.

“I don't know what to do”, I said through sobs. Of course he would think I was talking about Devon.

“If you ain't happy break up with him”, Derek said.

“I'm fine”, I lied.

“So you coming”, he got up from the bed pulling me with him. “Get dressed. I'm leaving in ten minutes”, he said.

I got dressed, and we were out in ten minutes.

We got to the party and it was in full throttle when we got there. I walked in by myself because Derek stopped to smoke. I quickly spotted Akira from the cheerleading squad. “Hey Akira”, I shouted over the music.

“Hey girly”, she responded just as loudly.

“Where's Adrian”, I asked looking around confused that he wouldn't be on the dance floor at his own party.

“Probably upstairs with some poor innocent freshman that fell for his birthday charm”, she said taking a sip of whatever it was she was drinking.

“What a shame! Wait, I thought he was with um, that one girl with the long hair. Uh, what's her name?”

“Hey, I don't know her name girl, but yea, he broke up with her yesterday, so he could be a free agent at his 19th,” she said taking another sip and rolling her eyes.

“Ay, what's that you drinking”, I asked.

“I don’t even know but its good. Girl, try this”, she lifted it to my lips and I drank it. It was good.

“It's good.”

“Well go get some”, she pointed to the makeshift bar at Adrian's parents’ house.

‘“Hey”, Devon said to me before I took a sip. He came behind and wrapped his arms around my waist. I flinched, and I don't think he noticed this time. He took my drink from my hands and drunk some of it. “What is this?”

“My drink!” I said as I snatched it back.

“It's good”, he commented.

“I know that's why I got it”, I said as I wiggled out of his embrace.

“What's up with you”, he furrowed his eyebrows at me in confusion.

“Nothing, I just---I'm going to go get some air. Is my brother out there?” I motioned to the front door as I started to walk that way.

“Uh, yea, but I wanna talk to you”, he grabbed my elbow to pulled me back to him.

“Devon, I need to talk to Derek, we can talk lata.” he nodded his head and reluctantly let go.

I went outside and saw that Derek was kissing CC. I didn't want to interrupt them so I just stood outside and took a couple of deep breaths. Eventually they broke apart for air, and I was acknowledged.

“Hey Demetria”, CC said.

“What's up”, I replied curtly without looking at her.

“Yo, why are you out here D? Go have fun, and stay away from that dickhead.

“Yea girl, and if Devon ain't treating you right then go get you another one”

“Yea, like my brotha need to do”, I mumbled as I went back inside.

I'm pretty sure she heard me, which is what I intended.

When I finished my drink, I went to get another one. They seemed to get better and better. Ashley came and dragged me off to the dance floor minutes later. We danced for a good few minutes before I felt Devon's hands on my hips from behind. I didn't flinch this time and it was probably due to the drink.

A couple minutes later, Derek was in front of us with an angry look on his face.

“Stay away from my sister!” Derek said.

“What?” Devon asked in confusion.

“You heard me! Boy, get yo hands off my sista”, Derek said. By this time they were moving in closer to each other, both with anger in their eyes.

“Let's go, D”, my brother yanked on my arm, but for some dumb reason I hung onto Devon.

“She don’t wanna go with you”, Devon said.

“D”, my brother yelled.

“I'm straight Derek. You said have fun, and I am”, I turned back towards Devon and we started dancing.

Derek then grabbed my shoulder and Devon pushed his hand away, which provoked Derek. Derek swung his arm back and punched Devon in the face. I'm glad Ashley was nearby otherwise I would have been knocked out too. Derek had Devon on the ground and he was pounding into his face.

I should have just told Derek the truth or at least close to it.

“Don't mess with my sista no more”, Derek said through punches. “Get up!” by this time some of the guys pulled Derek away, but he was still yelling and screaming. Derek shouted as he was lifted from the ground and brought outside.

This was my fault! I helped lift Devon off the floor. When I turned around Derek was running back through the front door and through the crowd.

“Derek stop! It was a misunderstanding”, I whispered-yelled to him. “Can we talk outside”, I pushed against his shoulder which forced him to take a step back. His eyes were trained on Devon.

When we got outside Derek let loose, anger oozed from him. He was always one to take things out of proportion.

“Derek calm down”, Derek was now pacing back and forth in front of the door. How could I tell him? What would I tell him? I can't tell him the truth. He cannot have two fights in one night, and knowing him he would surely severely hurt or kill my dad. I saw what he did to Devon, and Devon never touched me inappropriately. I knew for a fact that there was no force that was going to stop Derek from killing my dad if I told him.

Who Can You Trust (The Break Down)

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