Читать книгу Hydrogeology - Kevin M. Hiscock - Страница 16
Symbols and abbreviations
ОглавлениеMultiples and submultiples
Symbol | Name | Equivalent |
E | exa | 1018 |
P | peta | 1015 |
T | tera | 1012 |
G | giga | 109 |
M | mega | 106 |
k | kilo | 103 |
h | hecto | 102 |
da | deca | 101 |
d | deci | 10−1 |
c | centi | 10−2 |
m | milli | 10−3 |
μ | micro | 10−6 |
n | nano | 10−9 |
p | pico | 10−12 |
Symbols and abbreviations
Symbol | Description | Units |
[–] | activity | mol kg−1 |
(–) | concentration (see Box 4.1) | mol L−1 or mg L−1 |
A | area | m2 |
A | radionuclide activity | |
AE | actual evapotranspiration | mm |
ASR | artificial storage and recovery | |
(aq) | aqueous species | |
atm | atmosphere (pressure) | |
B | barometric efficiency | |
BOD | biological oxygen demand | mg L−1 |
Bq | becquerel (unit of radioactivity; 1 Bq = 1 disintegration per second) | |
b | aquifer thickness | m |
2b | fracture aperture | m |
C | Sediment loading efficiency | |
C | shape factor for determining ki | |
C | specific moisture capacity of a soil | (m of water)−1 |
C, c | concentration | |
°C | degrees Celsius (temperature) | |
CEC | cation exchange capacity | meq (100 g)−1 |
CFC | chlorofluorocarbon | |
Ci | curie (older unit of radioactivity; 1 Ci = 3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second) | |
COD | chemical oxygen demand | mg L−1 |
D | hydraulic diffusivity | m2 s−1 |
D | hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient | m2 s−1 |
D* | molecular diffusion coefficient | m2 s−1 |
DIC | dissolved inorganic carbon | mg L−1 |
DNAPL | dense, non‐aqueous phase liquid | |
DOC | dissolved organic carbon | mg L−1 |
d | mean pore diameter | m |
hydraulic gradient | ||
E o | standard electrode potential | V |
EC | electrical conductivity | S cm−1 |
Eh | redox potential | V |
e | void ratio | |
e‐ | electron | |
eq | chemical equivalent (see Box 4.1) | eq L−1 |
F | Faraday constant (9.65 × 104 C mol−1) | |
F | Darcy–Weisbach friction factor | |
f c | infiltration capacity | cm h−1 |
f t | infiltration rate | cm h−1 |
f oc | weight fraction organic carbon content | |
G | Gibbs free energy | kJ mol−1 |
g | gravitational acceleration | m s−2 |
g | gram (mass) | |
(g) | gas | |
H | depth (head) of water measured at a flow gauging structure | m |
H | enthalpy | kJ mol−1 |
h | hydraulic head | m |
I | ionic strength | mol L−1 |
i | hydraulic gradient | |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | |
IAP | ion activity product | moln L−n |
J | joule (energy, quantity of heat) | |
K | equilibrium constant | moln L−n |
K (hydraulics) | hydraulic conductivity | m s−1 |
K (temperature) | kelvin | |
K d | partition or distribution coefficient | mL g−1 |
K f | fracture hydraulic conductivity | m s−1 |
K H | Henry’s law constant | Pa m3 mol−1 |
K oc | organic carbon‐water partition coefficient | |
K ow | octanol‐water partition coefficient | |
K s | selectivity coefficient | |
K sp | solubility product | moln L−n |
k i | intrinsic permeability | m2 |
L | litre (volume) | |
LNAPL | light, non‐aqueous phase liquid | |
l | length | m |
MNA | monitored natural attenuation | |
m | mass | kg |
mol | amount of substance (see Box 4.1) | |
n | an integer | |
n | roughness coefficient (Manning’s n) | |
n | porosity | |
n e | effective porosity | |
P | Peclet number | |
P | precipitation amount | mm |
P | pressure | Pa (or N m−2) |
P | partial pressure | atm or Pa |
P A′ Po | atmospheric pressure | atm or Pa |
Pa | pascal (pressure) | |
P w | porewater pressure | Pa or m of water |
PAH | polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon | |
PDB | Pee Dee Belemnite | |
PE | potential evapotranspiration | mm |
p | −log10 | |
ppm | parts per million | |
Q | discharge | m3 s−1 |
Q f | fracture flow discharge | m3 s−1 |
q | specific discharge or darcy velocity | m s−1 |
R | hydraulic radius | m |
R (Rd) | recharge (direct recharge) | mm a−1 |
R | universal gas constant (8.314 J mol−1 K−1) | |
RC | root constant | mm |
R d | retardation factor | |
R e | Reynolds number | |
rem | roentgen equivalent man (older unit of dose equivalent; 1 rem = 0.01 Sv) | |
S | entropy | J mol−1 K−1 |
S | sorptivity of soil | cm (min)−1/2 |
S | storativity | |
S | slope | |
S p | specific retention | |
S s | specific storage | s−1 |
S sp | specific surface area | m−1 |
S y | specific yield | |
SMD | soil moisture deficit | mm |
STP | standard temperature and pressure of gases (0 °C, 1 atmosphere pressure) | |
Sv | sievert (unit of dose equivalent that accounts for the relative biological effects of different types of radiation; 1 Sv = 100 rem) | |
s | groundwater level drawdown | m |
s | solubility | g (100 g)−1 solvent |
T | transmissivity | m2 s−1 |
T | absolute temperature | K |
TDS | total dissolved solids | mg L−1 |
TOC | total organic carbon | mg L−1 |
t | time | s |
t 1/2 | radionuclide half‐life | s |
V | volume | m3 |
V | volt (electrical potential) | |
V s | volume of solid material | m3 |
VOC | volatile organic compound | |
VSMOW | Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water | |
v | groundwater or river water velocity | m s−1 |
average linear velocity (groundwater) | m s−1 | |
average linear contaminant velocity | m s−1 | |
average linear water velocity | m s−1 | |
WHO | World Health Organization | |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization | |
WMWL | World Meteoric Water Line | |
W(u) | well function | |
w | width | m |
ZFP | zero flux plane | |
z (hydraulics) | elevation | m |
z (chemistry) | electrical charge |
Greek symbols
Symbol | Description | Units |
α | aquifer compressibility | m2 N−1 (or Pa−1) |
α | aquifer dispersivity | m |
α | isotope fractionation factor | |
β | water compressibility | m2 N−1 (or Pa−1) |
γ (chemistry) | activity coefficient | kg mol−1 |
γ (hydraulics) | specific weight | N |
δ | stable isotope notation | |
δ− | partial negative charge | |
δ+ | partial positive charge | |
θ | volumetric moisture content | |
λ | radionuclide decay constant | s−1 |
μ | viscosity | N s m−2 |
μ/ρ | kinematic viscosity | m2 s−1 |
ρ | fluid density | kg m−3 |
ρ b | bulk mass density | kg m−3 |
ρ s | particle mass density | kg m−3 |
σ e | effective stress | Pa (or N m−2) |
σ T | total stress | Pa (or N m−2) |
T | total competing cation concentration | meq (100 g)−1 |
∑ | sum of | |
Φ | fluid potential (=h) | m |
ψ | fluid pressure | m of water |
ψ a | air entry pressure | m of water |
Ω | saturation index |