Читать книгу Hydrogeology - Kevin M. Hiscock - Страница 19

1.2 What is hydrogeology?


Typical definitions of hydrogeology emphasize the occurrence, distribution, movement and geological interaction of water in the Earth's crust. Hydrogeology is an interdisciplinary subject and also encompasses aspects of hydrology. Hydrology has been defined as the study of the occurrence and movement of water on and over the Earth's surface independent of the seepage of groundwater and springs which sustain river flows during seasonal dry periods. However, too strict a division between the two subjects is unhelpful, particularly when trying to decipher the impact of human activities on the aquatic environment. How well we respond to the challenges of pollution of surface water and groundwater, the impacts of over‐exploitation of water resources, and the potential impact of climate change will depend largely on our ability to take a holistic view of the aquatic environment.


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