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Chapter 8: A pair


In the middle of the night, Eve threw back the covers, her skin too on edge for the possibility of sleep. She clawed at her clothes, like she had been dressed by a stranger in the night. Changed into gym clothes, she took off running for the street. Eve saddled up to the punching bag; the gym was mostly empty. She struck it, over and over, short bursts of breath flying from her mouth. She stretched her muscles, her body tensed, her bones seemed to creak. Out of the corner of her eye, Eve caught her reflection in the panelled mirror. She stared back at herself. Her eyes were tired, belonging to another time, another person using her eyes as their own. Eve traced a finger against the scar cut vertically down her right temple. Anna had told her afterwards that it had taken thirteen stitches to rejoin the skin. It was the only scar out of the many that Eve didn’t mind, like a drunken tattoo.. She had stopped punching, moving with the memories. Eve grabbed her gym bag and headed back onto the street. The night air caught in her throat.

When she unlocked the front door to the record store, Eve waved off the disgruntled looks of a line of customers. They began pouring into the store and Eve wondered if they had better things to be doing than shopping. She turned up the knob on the radio, louder than she should have, and tried her best to get through the day. After the last few customers had been served, Eve closed up the store and stretched against a shelf, her neck tightened with strain. But she quickly opened the door when she heard Laura knock.

‘Hey, stranger.’ She welcomed her inside.

‘Fancy seeing you here.’

Eve watched Laura with careful eyes. She hugged her arms awkwardly around her body while Eve ordered pizza for dinner. She wanted to stand closer to her, not too close that she thought she was clingy, but too distant that she would think she was frigid. Eve took it as flattery, how nervous she was making her. Eve just hid her nerves better, one of her many qualities for diverting her emotions.

Eve scooped up a brown envelope that had been sitting on her desk all day, waiting for Laura.

Laura took it in her hands and turned it over, once, twice. Then back to her name, scrawled on the front in Eve’s handwriting, she guessed. She tore the back of the envelope as Eve watched on. Her hands eagerly thumbed through the polaroid prints. Laura smiled at Eve when she flicked to the last photograph of them mid-kiss.

‘That’s my favourite.’ She held up the rooftop kiss.

Eve grabbed for the photos, their hands brushing, ‘This one is my favourite.’ She held up the one of Laura with her eyes closed, her face turned upwards.

Eve’s fingers brushed the picture’s border. She hadn’t expected it to turn out as well as it did, Laura’s expression and the filter on the camera made the photograph remarkable. The angle of her chin, her eyes closed in relaxation as if she was giving in to a part of herself to Eve. It was a both separation and a coming together. A break and a reformation. She broke out of her reverie, handing the picture back to Laura. She knew if she held it any longer, she would just find new things to hold her eyes.

‘Thank you for these.’

Now, Eve didn’t seem to sure she wanted to give them away. ‘You’re welcome,’ she answered, eyes still on the polaroids.

Laura followed Eve up the staircase and into the storeroom. She asked for a glass of water, trying to calm the heat that rose around her neck, like a tight turtleneck. Laura drank the water in one gulp.

‘More?’ Eve took the glass from her hand.

Laura took her time on the second glass, hoping Eve hadn’t noticed. She had.

Eve turned away from her and went through some stacked papers on the desk. Her tall, slender frame bent against the table. Her black hair shimmered, the light from the room reflecting off of it like a wave basking in the glow of the moon.

Laura moved forwards, without thinking her hands reached for Eve’s back. She jolted with surprise, then eased back into a lean when Laura hugged her hips. Laura had to stand on her toes to bury her head against Eve’s hair. Laura felt the goose bumps rise, with a touch to her neck, along her shoulder blades. Laura grabbed her rougher than intended and spun her around. Eve didn’t seem to notice the grip. Her breath clawed at her throat, it was too much. She pressed their lips together. Laura pushed her against the table and, lacing her hands behind Eve’s neck, she pulled herself up. Her legs wrapped around Eve’s stomach, her boots clanked against the wooden table. Eve’s body was still trying to catch up to what was happening; her muscles slowly eased, from tense to fluid. Laura pulled at the collar on Eve’s shirt and kissed her collarbone. She felt one of Eve’s hesitant hands run through her hair, her fingers tracing her neck around to her jaw.

A loud banging on the front door startled them both, Eve jumped back, nearly losing her grip on Laura. She helped her down, giving her a flustered look as she disappeared out the door. Eve wiped her lips and straightened her blouse when she saw the outline of the pizza delivery guy through the door. Eve watched his eyes linger on her swollen lips and ruffled hair. She stared him down and she tucked her bra strap back.

‘Keep the change.’ She slammed the door.

Laura sat crossed legged on the floor. She had needed another glass of water to cool herself down. She thought she left that person behind in her teenage years, all that flustered, nervous need to grab and hold onto someone. She didn’t give in to how much she was feeling in such a short amount of time. Eve gave her a small smile when she returned, like she was pretending that what just had happened hadn’t. Eve set the pizza down without a word. They ate in silence, the soft sounds of their bodies moving against the wooden floor was the only sound in the room.

Laura looked down at her hands. ‘Do you know how nervous you make me?’ She felt Eve sit down beside her and nudge her with a shoulder.

‘You make me nervous, too,’ she answered. Eve pulled her close. She tasted the oil on her lips.

A Visible Heaven

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