Читать книгу Anxiety For Dummies - W. Doyle Gentry, Laura L. Smith - Страница 59

It’s in my genes!


If you suffer from excessive worries and tension, look at the rest of your family. Of those who have an anxiety disorder, typically about a quarter of their relatives suffer along with them. So, your Uncle Ralph may not struggle with anxiety, but Aunt Melinda or your sister Charlene just might.

Maybe you’re able to make the argument that Uncle Ralph, Aunt Melinda, and your sister Charlene all had to live with Grandma, who’d make anyone anxious. In other words, they lived in an anxiety-inducing environment. Maybe it has nothing to do with their genes.

Various researchers have studied siblings and twins who live together to verify that genes do play an important role as to how people experience and cope with anxiety. As predicted, identical twins were far more similar to each other in terms of anxiety than fraternal twins or other siblings. But even if you’re born with a genetic predisposition toward anxiety, other factors — such as environment, peers, and how your parents raised you — enter into the mix.

Anxiety For Dummies

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