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[*] Conviene aprender de memoria cada refrán. Se encuentran traducidos al inglés estos refranes en la página 170.

[1,2] ir a pie, andar a pie, to go on foot, to walk.

[3] mofarse de, to make fun of.

[4] ir montado, to ride (an animal).

[5] al verlos, on seeing them, when they saw them. Al plus the infinitive in Spanish equals on plus the present participle in English, or equals a temporal clause introduced by when.

[6] a gusto de, to the pleasure of, satisfactory to.

[7] dirigirse a, to address.

[8] sentirse, to feel. An example of the fact that many verbs are reflexive in Spanish that are not so in English.

[9] hacer ver a uno, to make or cause a person to see, to have one see.

[10] lo cansado, how tired. Lo, the neuter article, invariable in form, may be used before an adjective in either gender or number, to express the idea of "how" (but not in exclamations).

[11] irse reuniendo, to be assembling. Ir is frequently used instead of estar to form the progressive tenses.

[12] burlarse de, to make sport of, to mock. Also see no. 3 above.

[13] llevar a cuestas, to carry on one's back.

El Palacio Real de la Granja

Lecturas fáciles con ejercicios

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