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Foundation Meat Stock


40–50 minutes

1kg (2¼lb) bones, fresh or cooked

500ml (1pt) water

onions, carrots, celery, swede, turnips or other root vegetables, diced (not too much, as some have an overpowering taste)

1 blade of mace

1 bay leaf

salt and pepper

1 Wash the bones and chop finely.

2 Put in open cooker with the water, boil and skim off the scum that rises with a spoon or ladle, or use a separator jug.

3 Add vegetables, the mace and bay leaf (don’t use parsley or any herb that dislikes prolonged cooking) and seasoning. Half fill with water (no more than half).

4 Close cooker, bring to pressure and cook for 30 minutes for pre-cooked bones, 45 minutes for fresh.

5 Reduce pressure, strain solids through sieve, then cool and degrease by skimming off solid fat. The stock will probably be slightly jellied, which is a good sign.

6 On reuse, dilute with an equal quantity of water and heat. Add fresh herbs such as parsley or sage or freshly rubbed dried herbs and adjust seasoning.

All stocks tend to concentrate flavour, so do not over-season or put too much in to begin with.

This stock will keep for 3–4 days in the fridge. After that it should be brought to the boil briefly and allowed to cool again to kill off bacteria. Without refrigeration, boil every day or so.

The Complete Book of Pressure Cooking

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