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A good support network is worth its weight in gold. A support network:

 Ensures accountability

 Keeps your ego in check

 Surrounds you with friends when things aren’t going your way

 Allows you access to diverse opinions

Make sure that you build a support network to help you along the path of achieving your goals. Your support network should include a diverse group of four or five people, and could be made up of friends, family, current and former coaches, partners or spouses, medical doctors, chiropractors, nutritionists, sports psychologists, or teachers. The key is to enlist people whose values are similar to yours and whose support you’ll need along the way. Be sure to include at least one person who’s comfortable being controversial and contrary — you need someone who can tell you no from time to time.

No one accomplishes their goals and reaches high levels of success on their own.

Sports Psychology For Dummies

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