Читать книгу Mi Revalueshanary Fren - Linton Kwesi Johnson - Страница 5



  Title Page

  Note to Reader


  Introduction by Russell Banks

I. Five Nights of Bleeding—Seventies Verse

Yout Scene

Double Scank

Dread Beat an Blood

Five Nights of Bleeding

Street 66

6  All Wi Doin Is Defendin

7  Bass Culture

8  Reggae Sounds

9  Come Wi Goh Dung Deh

10  Song of Blood

11  Yout Rebels

12  Time Come

13  It Dread inna Inglan

14  Sonny’s Lettah

15  It Noh Funny

16  Want fi Goh Rave

17  Reality Poem

18  Forces of Victri

19  Inglan Is a Bitch

II. Mi Revalueshanary Fren—Eighties Verse

1  Story

2  Reggae fi Radni

3  Reggae fi Dada

4  New Craas Massakah

5  Di Great Insohreckshan

6  Beacon of Hope

7  Mekin Histri

8  Mi Revalueshanary Fren

9  Sense Outta Nansense

10  Di Good Life

11  Tings an Times

III. New Word Hawdah—Nineties Verse

1  Seasons of the Heart

2  Hurricane Blues

3  More Time

4  Reggae fi Bernard

5  Reggae fi May Ayim

6  If I Woz a Tap Natch Poet

7  Liesense fi Kill

8  New Word Hawdah

9  BG (for Bernie Grant in memoriam, 1934–2000)



  Special thanks

Mi Revalueshanary Fren

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