Читать книгу Selling With Noble Purpose - McLeod Lisa Earle, Lisa Earle McLeod - Страница 28

Supportworks: Redefining the Home Contracting Industry


Attracting and keeping top talent is a business imperative. It's even more challenging when you're hiring blue‐collar workers, in the middle of Nebraska, to muck out people's basements.

Supportworks (and their sister company, Thrasher) is an Omaha‐based concrete and foundation repair firm that wanted to establish competitive differentiation for their brand in a bigger, bolder way. Their products aren't sexy, but they're the best in the business. The leadership team needed to help their national network of dealers break out of the price trap that is so common in the home service industry.

In our first session, the leadership team talked about how the contracting industry had a bad reputation. When you call a contractor, you never know whether they're going to show up or not. Pricing is often sketchy. Contracting firms are also notoriously poor employers.

Supportworks wanted to change that. They wanted to redefine the home contracting industry for the better. They wanted to set a new standard for how customers are treated in the industry. We landed on their Noble Purpose: We redefine our industry.

Supportworks decided they were going to be the company that changed the frame for what customers expect, and the company wanted to become a destination employer in the process.

Because they sell through dealers, Supportworks couldn't mandate a top‐down approach. They had to get their dealers excited about implementing the Noble Purpose with their own teams. We created a plan to help dealers link each employee's job to the greater purpose of the business, and gave them tools to establish differentiation in their markets.

Convincing a rough and tough crew of predominately male leaders to talk about purpose and praise their teams was no small task. We knew the connection between purpose and recognition had to be accessible, be easy, and not require a long speech. Supportworks created Purpose Citations: peel‐off pads for managers in the field to give quick positive feedback about how employees were living their purpose. Managers could check off things like “enviable smarts” or “contagious do‐goodery.”

As of this writing, Supportworks' purpose training is lauded as some of the most differentiated training in the contracting world.

Supportworks has also become a destination employer. They've been voted a Best Place to Work multiple times. Employee engagement has soared. Revenue has exploded as they've added dealers across the country who want to become part of their movement. Their team will tell you, Supportworks is unstoppable.


We redefine our industry

Record dealer expansion

Voted Best Place to Work

Selling With Noble Purpose

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