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Beckett, Samuel. 1992. Dream of Fair to Middling Women. Dublin: Black Cat Press.

--. 2011. The Letters of Samuel Beckett 1941-1956. Edited by George Craig, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Dann Gunn and Lois More Overbeck. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

--. 1987. Proust and Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit. London: Calder.

Boxall, Peter. 2009. Since Beckett: Contemporary Writing in the Wake of Modernism. London: Continuum Press.

Game of Thrones. ‘Mockingbird’ (Series 4 episode 7), directed by Alik Sakharov. Home Box Office. 18 May 2014.

Guinea Pig Theater – Waiting for Godot. Musearts Cartoon. www.youtube.com/

watch?v=2WzYgFA1mkg (accessed 26 May 2015).

Joyce, James. 1992. Ulysses. Harmondsworth: Penguin.

McMullan, Anna and Everett Frost. 2015. ‘Samuel Beckett and Artistic Collaboration.’ In On In Their Company; Essays on Beckett with Tributes and Sketches, Presented to Jim Knowlson on his 80th Birthday, edited by John Pilling and Mark Nixon, 139-162. Reading: the Beckett International Foundation.

Pitch ‘n’ Putt with Joyce and Beckett. Directed by Donald Clarke. Bórd Scannán na hEireann, Dublin 2006. https://www.youtube.com/watch?

v=p856CfM64w8. Accessed 26 May 2015

Play, directed by Anthony Minghella, in Beckett on Film. 2001. Dublin: Blue Angel Films, 2001. DVD. Also https://vimeo.com/28766126 (Accessed 26 May 2015).

Sesame Street – Waiting for Elmo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

ksL_7WrhWOc (Accessed 26 May 2015).

Stewart, Paul. 2006. Zone of Evaporation: Samuel Beckett’s Disjunctions. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Turbidy, Derval. 2014. ‘Samuel Beckett and Performance Art.’ The Journal of Beckett Studies 23: 34-53.

Uhlmann, Anthony. 1999. Beckett and Postructuralism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Beckett, Lacan and the Voice

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