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Abbreviations and editions used for works by Beckett

Abbreviations appear, followed by the page number, upon the reference’s first occurrence in the paragraph.

Abbreviations for works in English

AF All That Fall in CDW.

AW Act Without Words (I & II) in CDW.

Cas Cascando in CDW.

CDW The Complete Dramatic Works (London: Faber & Faber, 2006).

Co Company in Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, Worstward Ho, Stirring Still (London: Faber & Faber, 2009).

CPo Collected Poems of Samuel Beckett, Seán Lawlor and John Pilling (eds.) (London: Faber & Faber, 2012).

CSPr The Complete Short Prose: 1929-1989 (New York: Grove Press, 1995).

DF Dream of Fair to middling Women (Dublin: The Black Cat Press, 1992).

Dsj Disjecta: Miscellaneous Writings and a Dramatic Fragment (London: John Calder, 1983).

E Embers in CDW.

Eg Endgame in CDW.

EJ Eh Joe in CDW.

F Film in CDW.

Ff Footfalls in CDW.

FL First Love in CSPr.

G Waiting for Godot in CDW.

HD Happy Days in CDW.

HI How It Is (New York: Grove Press, 1964).

Im ‘The Image’ in CSPr.

IS Ill Seen Ill Said in Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, Worstward Ho, Stirring Still (London: Faber & Faber, 2009).

K Krapp’s Last Tape in CDW.

L1 The Letters of Samuel Beckett, t. 1, ‘1929–1940’, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Lois More Overbeck (eds.). (Cambridge UP, 2009).

L2 The Letters of Samuel Beckett, t. 2, ‘1941–1956’, George Craig, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Dan Gunn, Lois More Overbeck (eds.). (Cambridge UP, 2011).

L3 The Letters of Samuel Beckett, t. 3, ‘1957–1965’, George Craig, Martha Dow Fehsenfeld, Dan Gunn, Lois More Overbeck (eds.). (Cambridge UP, 2014).

LO The Lost Ones in CSPr.

MC Mercier and Camier (New York: Grove Press, 1974).

MD Malone Dies in TN.

Mo Molloy in TN.

Mu Murphy (London: Faber & Faber, 2009).

NI Not I in CDW.

OI Ohio Impromptu in CDW.

Pl. Play in CDW.

PM A Piece of Monologue in CDW.

Pr. Proust and Three Dialogues with Georges Duthuit (London: John Calder, 1999).

Q Quad in CDW.

R Rockaby in CDW.

RR Rough for Radio (I & II) in CDW.

RT Rough for Theatre in CDW.

TFN Texts for Nothing in CSPr.

TN Three Novels (New York: Grove Press, 1965).

TT That Time in CDW.

U The Unnamable in TN.

W Watt (New York: Grove Press, 1953).

WH Worstward Ho, in Company, Ill Seen Ill Said, Worstward Ho, Stirring Still (London: Faber & Faber, 2009).

WM Words and Music in CDW.

WW What Where in CDW.

Abbreviations for works in French

Ber Berceuse in C.

C Catastrophe et autres dramaticules (Paris: Minuit, 2006).

Cas Cascando in Com.

CC Comment c’est (Paris: Minuit, 1992).

Cie Compagnie (Paris: Minuit, 1995).

Com. Comédie et actes divers (Paris: Minuit, 2009).

DB La Dernière bande suivi de Cendres (Paris: Minuit, 2007).

ER Esquisse radiophonique in Pas.

FP Fin de partie (Paris: Minuit, 1998).

G En attendant Godot (Paris: Minuit, 2004).

I L’Innommable (Paris: Minuit, 1992).

MC Mercier et Camier (Paris: Minuit, 1998).

MP Le Monde et le pantalon suivi de Peintres de l’empêchement (Paris: Minuit, 1990).

PA Premier amour (Paris: Minuit, 1995).

Pas Pas suivi de Quatre esquisses (Paris: Minuit, 2009).

PR Pochade radiophonique in Pas.

TPR Nouvelles et Textes pour rien (Paris: Minuit, 1991).


Translations from French sources are our own, unless a specific bibliographic reference indicates otherwise.

Beckett, Lacan and the Voice

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