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In publishing this work, I am deeply indebted to a number of eminent specialists. Matthew Feldman’s generous guidance made this publication possible. I am also infinitely obliged to Jean-Michel Rabaté, who has honoured these pages with his singularly enlightening foreword. Paul Stewart has my heartfelt thanks for accepting the manuscript, and including it in his newly created series. Chris Ackerley and Luke Thurston both generously read the text closely and contributed their endorsement.

Valerie Lange and Christian Schoen, of Ibidem, have been most kind and cooperative, accepting to publish this work, and being constantly available for advice, throughout the publication process.

This work would never have been envisaged without the confidence shown me by publisher Michel Minard (1928–2013) and his wife Danièle (1939–2014), in entrusting me with founding the ‘Samuel Beckett’ series. This research has also benefited from enriching exchanges with contributing authors: I have learned a lot from

Nicolas Doutey, Bruno Geneste, Matthieu Protin and Éric Wessler. Some aspects of this book were presented at the Samuel Beckett Working Group at Southampton in September 2012, organised by the late Julie Campbell, whose memory I warmly recall here.

I wish to thank my mother, Mavis Brown, and Anna

Pivovarchuk for having undertaken the proof-reading of this work during its earlier stages.

Thanks are due to Jean-Luc Baffet, who authorised the project of extensively photographing the historic Papeterie de la Seine (Nanterre), from which the cover picture is taken.

This study would have been inconceivable without my

decisive encounter with Marie-Hélène Aimé (1946–2007), who

introduced me to Lacanian psychoanalysis, and to life as such.

Beckett, Lacan and the Voice

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