Читать книгу How to Ask for What You Want and Get It! - Lucille Orr - Страница 18



I enjoy the time I spend with my bank managers. I’ve never done business with a manager who produces the rule book when I’m asking for money. Once you gain confidence in yourself and you’re ready to ask for a loan, you’ll discover that bank managers can use their own discretion when deciding if you’re a good risk or not.

As early as 1966 I was borrowing money with no collateral to secure the loan. I’ve managed to gain more than a 100% loan on commercial property by borrowing against the bank’s valuation. Did you know this was possible?

With the right bank manager handling your affairs almost anything can be achieved. There must be a trust between you and the person you’re asking for money. This can be built slowly by becoming a regular client of the bank, however in my case I’ve always managed to create instant rapport with bank managers. If you don’t feel you can communicate with the manager don’t bother to ask him for a loan.

When you’re sitting in front of the right bank manager you’ll feel confident to ask him or her for the loan. Go to every branch of every bank in your city until you find a strong communication with the human being you’re dealing with on the other side of the desk.

Don’t get upset, while you’re looking, remember anything worth having in life is worth waiting for, so people tell me. I’ve never been a very patient person: I’ve been lucky to find what I’m looking for fairly quickly. My way of testing people is to get very excited about my project and if their eyes light up I know I’ve made a worthwhile connection.

How to Ask for What You Want and Get It!

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