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If you fall in love and the person is not perfect in everyone else’s eyes, ignore them, if you’re happy. But make sure you watch for warning signals and don’t let anyone take advantage of you, control your mind and money. I’ve met women who’ve been very well established in business and they’ve lost everything within months of living with the wrong person. Remember that marriage isn’t necessarily the answer to happiness. Many marriages break up even when couples are in their fifties or sixties and been together for years.

I’ve proven prenuptial agreements can protect your assets and if the person you want to marry really loves you he or she will be happy to sign an agreement. It makes good sense to go into a relationship with your eyes wide open and your money and worldly goods secured. If you have children from a previous marriage, you owe it to them to make sure their inheritance is in tact.

A good accountant will explain the benefits of Family and Unit Trusts. This is another form of security you can arrange prior to going into a partnership of any kind. Remember marriage and business partnerships can be very risky. You could be taking on someone else’s debts.

Have you ever thought about this? I know it’s difficult while romantically sipping champagne with your lover to discuss money matters but many, women in particular, need to open their eyes and not let their hearts rule their heads. I hear too many stories about bankruptcies and breakdowns told to me by women who only a few years before, were on top of the world, financially.

After losing everything I owned in 1967 due to my first husband’s gambling habit, I became nervous of getting seriously involved with a business or life partner again. But I couldn’t go through life alone forever, worrying about something that may never happen. I’ve proved, the thing you worry about more than 60% of the time, will happen to you. It works in reverse as well. If you think positively all the time and expect everything to work out the way you want it to, it will!

Why don’t you test what I’m saying and start thinking very, very positively. Expect everyone to be good to you and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Happiness is infectious and you’ll attract happy people into your life if you stop worrying. Relax and believe in new people who enter your life. Let them know you trust them and they’ll prove to you they can be trusted.

In recent years I’ve become very much like my mother with the attitude that everyone is reliable until they prove they can’t be trusted. I’ve found with this attitude I’m attracting wonderful friends and great business associates into my life.

We have a happy, enthusiastic team at our Adelaide AEWN headquarters. Local members and clients enjoy popping in and interstate members tell us they can sense the harmony when they phone. Remember we’re a mirror of ourselves and whatever we give out will return to us in abundance, so make sure its all good. If you want to find people you can depend on, become dependable yourself.

I never ask people for written references when they apply for a job with me. I’d rather ring their last employer to find out what he or she was like as an employer because I’ve found people work better for some employers than others. It’s got a lot to do with communication and trust. Years ago my computer bureaus were supervised by 21 year old women who loved the responsibility and were highly respected by the older keyboard operators.

You’ll find some people take advantage of trust, but if you’re well prepared for any situation which may arise in the relationship you’ve no reason to waste your time on negative thoughts.

My philosophy regarding partnerships is, “I’d rather live or work with someone wonderful for a short period of time, than put up with a person I can’t stand forever.” Because I think this way I’m always grateful for the time a good person works with me, even if it’s only six months.

How to Ask for What You Want and Get It!

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