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I wish to thank a special man, Robert Seiler, my Optometrist, who rang me early in 1994 to ask for help to breathe life into his book, “Studying for Exams made Simple”.

Although he’d written the book several years before it had never been published. By asking me for what he wanted, he in turn inspired me to write this book for you. While encouraging Robert to overcome his fear of public speaking I realised I still haven’t achieved my life-long ambition to be on the world’s stage. Together we’ve enjoyed rehearsing and planning our professional speaking careers.

Without the wonderful guidance and sincerity of our editor, Nancy (Robinson) Flannery, The Net Result books that founded my publishing company, would still be an unfulfilled dream. I’ve gained so much knowledge from her experience and encouragement that I’ve now written for many professional business magazines and newspapers. Another goal accomplished with her help.

To all the members of the Australian Executive Women’s Network you allowed me the time and space to be creative; you’re all special to me.

I thank all the many sponsors who’ve supported my ideas and businesses over the past 45 years, and especially Citibank for their publishing grant for this book and support of my National Speaking tour.

Those who cloned my business concepts: you gave me the energy and drive to continually develop new enterprises to keep ahead.

All the successful people represented under assumed names in this book: because of your achievements so many more will follow your lead and become independently wealthy while helping others.

How to Ask for What You Want and Get It!

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