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CHAPTER TWO Empowering Yourself


“Some goals are so worthy, it’s glorious even to fail.

We grow only when we push ourselves beyond what we already know.”

What’s stopping you from having what you want in your life? Do you have people saying, “Don’t be silly, you couldn’t possibly do that.” Every time I talk to someone who’s not happy in their lives they have someone else to blame.

I can remember my friend, Beverley at 46, blaming her husband for not achieving her goals. Those who know her now or knew her before she met him wouldn’t believe she let him talk her into closing three businesses within months of paying cash for all the office equipment. He helped her set them up and two months later was begging her to stop. His negative talk drove her to closing and losing thousands of dollars each time.

She’s still not sure whether it was his lack of belief in her ability or his fear of losing her, but now she’s successful, she can’t believe she let him hold her back for so many years. Once Beverley put her foot down and got on with her business ignoring his negative talk, she succeeded. You must believe in yourself and turn your back on those who don’t share your vision. In Beverley’s case, her husband did support her, once she proved to him she could run a successful business and make a good income. At 55 her businesses was booming. By then she and her husband owned a successful, national employment consultancy.

At 36 Rebecca’s only child, a son was born and her family convinced her to sell an excellent investment property, which she’d regretted ever since. She returned to work only five weeks after the birth because her husband, James was unemployed. The pressure from family members made her feel she was doing the wrong thing by her baby so she sold the property to keep the peace. She made a small profit of only $5,000 on the sale, but had she kept the townhouse it would have paid for her son’s university fees and given her and her husband an ‘Around the World’ holiday, because 28 years later the investment property increased in value by $500,000.

The question she asks herself now is, “why did I listen?” She enjoyed her position with the television network as State Manager and wanted to go back to work after the birth of her son. She didn’t need to sell the property. “I only have myself to blame,” she told me over coffee one day.

Many have stories similar to Rebecca’s because we let others influence our lives. Yes, people mean well, especially your own family, but you and only you, know what’s best for yourself and your child. I’m a great believer that if the parent is happy, so is the child.

My son has had a full and exciting childhood, travelling the world. He wouldn’t have had these privileges if I hadn’t returned to work and taken advantage of the perks offered to me as Sales Manager of a major airline.

How to Ask for What You Want and Get It!

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