Читать книгу Anne of Green Gables. Аня из Зелёных Мезонинов. Адаптированная книга на английском - Люси Мод Монтгомери, Kate Harper - Страница 11

Chapter 11


“Well, how do you like them?” asked Marilla.

Anne looked at three new dresses on the bed. Marilla made them herself; they were just plain82 skirts with plain sleeves.

“I’ll imagine that I like them,” said Anne.

“I don’t want you to imagine it,” said Marilla, offended83. “Oh, I see you don’t like the dresses! They are new and clean. Why don’t you like them?”


[pleɪn] – простой, без украшений


[əˈfendɪd] – обиженный, оскорбленный

Anne of Green Gables. Аня из Зелёных Мезонинов. Адаптированная книга на английском

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