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If you think you might have irritable bowel syndrome or a sensitive stomach and you have dealt with the life stressors that could be causing these issues, you may have food intolerances. Food intolerances could be a result of either an enzyme in the body that can help break down a particular food or an immune response if the body perceives the food as a threat. Common food intolerances include dairy, yeast, gluten, nuts, shellfish, soy, legumes, fructose, and sugar. Food intolerances are very common; most people have had some sort of bad reaction to food, some more often than others. To make matters worse, each person has a unique reaction to food, which makes solving the problem more complicated.

The first step is to eliminate foods that cause you inflammation or pain. Start this protocol by keeping a more detailed food journal that includes timing of food and when you get symptoms of irritability. When you see a correlation, consider taking that food out of your diet and seeing what happens. This process does take a while to figure out, but it’s worth it. And removing something from your diet doesn’t mean you can’t ever eat it again—it just means you are armed with more knowledge and can prepare for the worst. If you eliminate foods and increase your use of probiotics (and possibly greens), your gut may repair itself to the point that you can reintroduce certain foods back into your diet. Of course, not every gut is going to respond to probiotics and greens. You may have to figure out more intense protocols, such as eliminating all sugar or undergoing fecal implantations (this is where you receive stool transplants from a donor with a healthy gut biome to restore gut flora).

Peak Nutrition

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