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Baked Cod or Halibut.


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A piece of fish from the middle of the back, weighing four, five or six pounds.

A cupful of bread-crumbs, peppered and salted.

2 table-spoonfuls boiled salt pork, finely chopped.

A table-spoonful chopped parsley, sweet marjoram and thyme, with a mere suspicion of minced onion.

1 teaspoonful anchovy sauce, or Harvey’s, if you prefer it.

½ cupful drawn butter.

Juice of half a lemon.

1 beaten egg.

Lay the fish in very cold salt-and-water for two hours; wipe dry; make deep gashes in both sides at right angles with the back-bone and rub into these, as well as coat it all over with a force-meat made of the crumbs, pork, herbs, onion and seasoning, bound with raw egg. Lay in the baking-pan and pour over it the drawn butter (which should be quite thin), seasoned with the anchovy sauce, lemon-juice, pepper and a pinch of parsley. Bake in a moderate oven nearly an hour—quite as long if the piece be large, basting frequently lest it should brown too fast. Add a little butter-and-water when the sauce thickens too much. When the fish is done, remove to a hot dish, and strain the gravy over it.

A few capers or chopped green pickles are a pleasant addition to the gravy.

Breakfast, Luncheon and Tea

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