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1.1 Stand out from the crowd


First of all, take a step back from thinking about the content of your presentation and think about your own personality instead. Remember that your audience will be listening to and looking at a presenter as much as a presentation.

You don’t want simply to deliver a series of data and facts. You want to put your soul into this presentation, and enjoy yourself in the process. The most interesting, memorable and effective presentations have the personality of their presenter stamped all over them. You want to put across your values and opinions, and your audience wants to hear them. Here are some tips to help you from the start to develop a really positive, creative view of yourself as an interesting presenter:

Read something worthy. Devour your favourite website. Read a quality newspaper e.g. The Economist, Time, Newsweek.

Think. Don’t just read. Think through the big underlying issues. Schedule in time to relax your brain from concentrated action. Carry a pen and notebook with you, or digital equivalents. Jot down your thoughts and ideas – however odd they may be. They may be useful.

“Don’t measure yourself by what you have accomplished, but by what you should have accomplished with your ability”

John Wooden, legendary basketball coach

Really listen to people. What they’re saying…and not saying. Reflect on what you’re learning. Talk with friends and colleagues. Discuss issues and ideas; express your latest thinking to gauge responses. Develop ideas you feel passionate about.

Examine your values and principles. What motivates you? Life is full of decisions. What spurs you on?

Care for others. Don’t become so absorbed with yourself that you neglect people around you, in your community and in the wider world. Take a stand on world issues, and engage in some practical action.

Stretch yourself. What areas of life that are currently weak do you want to develop? Sketch them out and then begin to work on the next steps to fufil them.

Don’t take yourself too seriously. Watch TV. Relax – and laugh at yourself.

Cultivate your spiritual/emotional side. Whether it’s religion or poetry. We’re not just thinking machines.

Work on the physical side of your life. Take control of your life. If you’re out of condition, go to the gym regularly: if you want to lose weight, join a slimming class.

Cultivate a positive attitude about yourself as a great presenter.


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