Читать книгу Risk Assessment - Marvin Rausand - Страница 249 Technology Principle


The two above principles explicitly address risk in different ways, whereas the technology principle only indirectly addresses risk. The underlying assumption of this principle is that we are surrounded by technology that society has accepted that we use. Implicitly, the risk associated with this technology has been accepted without being based on risk assessment. The principle states that as long as we use “state‐of‐the‐art” technology, the risk level should be acceptable. In many respects, managing risk through standards and guidelines is an implicit application of the technology principle. Sometimes, the expression best available technology (BAT) is used. Once more, we see that the practical implications of this principle are different from the other two. The technology principle does not guarantee that all individuals are exposed to a risk below a certain maximum because there may be large variations in how safe different technologies are. Neither will it guarantee that we get maximum utility for the resources we put in, as the technological development and costs associated with the technology may vary significantly between sectors.

Risk Assessment

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