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“Change, which was to become the great characteristic of the new century, began its acceleration in those early years. When the first decade dawned, kitchen and parlours were still lit mainly by candles and coal-oil lamps. Out west, families still crouched in huts of sod or poplar. The baroque, cast-iron stoves, constantly a-bubble with soups and porridges, were fired by wood. Save in the larger cities the roads were rutted nightmares. It was still the age of the livery stable, blacksmith shop and hitching post. Men shaved their beards with straight razors and women’s skirts, plumped out with petticoats, trailed in the mud, dust and slime of the streets. Prices were low enough by today’s standards: you could buy a turkey dinner for twenty cents and a muslin nightie for nineteen; you could rent a furnished room by the day for half a dollar.”[1]

— PIERRE BERTON, Remember Yesterday

A Century of Photographs

“Words which could be used so prodigally in conversation had now to be weighed and measured and set down in a more orderly fashion. Words on paper suddenly assumed a permanence hitherto denied them.”[2]

— RICHARD B. WRIGHT, The Age of Longing

Whatever Happened to Mary Janeway?

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