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Born in Bonn, Germany as the second of six boys. My parents are actors. Creativity and artistry are integral parts of my earliest childhood years.


I’m in grade school and sell the candy I collect during Halloween—a pretty sweet business model. My Italian grandmother takes over much of my upbringing, while my parents work long and hard. I come to understand the value of family, religion, and respect, and I observe the kind of authentic, independent work that makes dreams come true. Even today, I’ll still call and visit my grandmother regularly—an indescribably good feeling.


I attend an all-boy Catholic high school where I learn Latin. (WTF?!) Prayers before each class and mass every Tuesday. Sports are also very important. I learn discipline, order, diligence, pack mentality, and way too little math.


I’m thirteen years old during the big mobile phone hype of the late ’90s, so I try to import 800 super cheap phones from China to Germany using the money my grandma gave me for my First Communion (meant to go into my college savings fund). The phones never arrive. The money’s gone. I close my import/export business and learn one of the most important entrepreneurial lessons: fall down, get back up, and rethink everything. So, I continue my research and find a supplier who actually delivers cheap cell phones. Although I don’t buy anything (my communion money is gone), I understand that other aspiring entrepreneurs would like to make quick profits, so I sell the phone supplier’s contact info to kids from the neighborhood. Suddenly I am getting real money for a piece of paper with an email address written on it. My entrepreneurial thinking changes forever.


I graduate from high school with a primary focus on sports (one of my passions) and English (which I speak fluently, thanks to my Canadian father). I’ve hardly attended school during the last two years—not out of laziness, but rather pure efficiency: I optimized the inputs while still ensuring the right outcome.


I finish my studies in international business and management in Miami, FL. The college system in the United States has been good to me—a really great experience. I’ve built two companies with my three best friends in my 140-square-foot college dorm. One of these companies is NEONSPLASH–Paint-Party®, a crazy idea that will later become our first real international success! Back then, we filled every bottle of paint ourselves. After graduation, I’m nominated for the Young Business Alumni “Hall of Fame” Award.


New concepts have followed NEONSPLASH–Paint-Party®. We tour ZOMBIE RUN®, our zombie-themed 5 km obstacle course, and City Slide®, our 500 m urban waterslide, all across Europe. It seems as if one of our shows is taking place every weekend, somewhere on the continent. From Ibiza to Amsterdam, our guests experience unforgettable moments. My co-founders and I live together. We work hard, travel often, laugh a lot, and live our dream!


I’ve been asked repeatedly: “How does it work? How do I get to live your life?” So, now I’m sitting down and writing a book.

Matthew’s Q&A

•What few people know: I always take ice-cold showers.

•Favorite music: Depends on the situation. At the gym—electronic. For work/focus—classical or binaural beats. In the shower—’90s Pop. Driving, walking, or cooking—audiobook/podcast.

•Food: healthy (sushi/Thai/salad/Italian)

•Vacation: Muskoka, Canada

•Coke or Pepsi: none, just water

•Weakness: Difficulty saying “no” to new business opportunities. I’ve learned something important along the way: If it’s not a “hell, yes,” it’s a “no!” (Thanks, Derek Sivers.)

•Strength: Discipline. I’ve never been the best/most intelligent/strongest /most talented, but I always work harder and more consistently than expected. My advice—create winning habits!

•Proudest Moment as an Entrepreneur: Knowing when I’ve done enough.

•Aha! Moment: When life blossoms from the inside out.

•Best Advice: Help your dreams and those of others come true.

•Favorite Book: Tao Te Ching by Laozi

•Favorite Film: The Little Prince

•Favorite Quote: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” (Gandhi)

Your Next Big Thing

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