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It’s always been thrilling for me to help others understand how things (particularly victories) work—to help them analyze a seemingly inexplicable success, break it down to its basic components, and understand the success enough to replicate the outcome. That is my passion.

In researching this book, I’ve used others’ strategies and methods (along with my own proven and tested ideas) as variables in a series of formulas and systems derived from the recurring behavioral patterns that I have observed. I hope you’ll let me be your translator and guide, so that together we may decipher the complexities of successful creativity. We’ll make our way through this dense jungle, help you find your really good ideas, and develop your presently undiscovered abilities—on the way to your “next big thing”!

I’ll lead you by the hand as we make this journey using sixty proven methods that will allow you to produce groundbreaking ideas and summon unexpected accomplishments—ones that may change your life forever, just as they have changed mine. Practical tactical tools, like those in Chapter 3, give you the ability to generate ideas instantly. (Imagine that!) In Chapter 4, you’ll acquire a whole new mindset based on systematic “success thoughts” which’ll rearrange your patterns of thinking, opening up entirely new perspectives. You’ll see the world through new eyes!

Resist the temptation to skip some chapters because this book provides more than just simple tools; it is about a complete shift in your current perception. We’ll reconfigure your brain’s creative thinking to improve your efficiency and effectiveness. We’ll examine your current way of thinking and we’ll look at how your thought patterns function. We’ll help you focus on the right things, the right way. By the end of this book, you will be able to see opportunities, novel ideas, and potentials where others find only problems. And it will happen automatically, without too much practice. Imagine all the incredible places that a single, really good idea can take you! How will you feel when you discover that you can pull things out of your hat like a magician, leaving people delighted and amazed? This is the journey of your life—as a human being, and as an entrepreneur!

You might think that you lack creativity, are unable to learn, or are incapable of getting good ideas. In truth, that’s the way most people think about themselves, so don’t worry! You should read this book because Your Next Big Thing is not just about ideas; it affects all parts of your being. Everyone should learn the strategies that help discover one’s best life and identify their capabilities, not unlike how a world-class boxer learns to use their fists. In the course of this book, I will present you with densely concentrated knowledge and powerful theories. I’ll do this because I want you to quickly learn a series of practical action steps. I want you to learn these strategies and tactics the way a boxer finesses his fighting style, step-by-step, one maneuver at a time—left jab, right jab, uppercut, straight punch, left hook, right hook, and so on. You’ll gradually become the Muhammad Ali of your own personal development. Consciously incorporate each new strategy into your routine and allow the new processes time to set in, becoming a part of what you do and who you are. You’ll become a boxer who fights hard but keeps calm, who stands solidly but is still super fast. Learn every maneuver in peace and calmness, become one with your new knowledge. And don’t rush it; give yourself time.

Your Next Big Thing

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