Читать книгу Max Freedom Long HUNA in the Kabala & Tarot - Monika Petry - Страница 12
ОглавлениеDecember, 1959
In making the symbols of the Tarot Cards, the makers seem to have embodied the “Fall” theory in the card of THE FOOL, numbered zero. This looks much like laughter aimed at the “Fall” theory, for in the MAGICIAN we see what seems to be the drawing down from on high of the life forces and the planting of them in the earth. The WHEEL then gives us a good picture of the evolutionary process by which the life force comes into higher and higher states or stages of being. The HANGED MAN shows us the man imprisoned in the flesh, but becoming aware of higher levels. JUDGMENT symbolizes the need for reincarnations which will make possible the arrival at the evolved states pictured in THE SUN and in THE WORLD. (Check your illustrations of the cards laid out in the secret order.)
HRA LOIS ANONA ARNOLD has sent in for review the first three units, which she titles “FRAGMENTS,” of a mimeographed series of articles on the Taro Card so titled, “THE TAROT CARDS ARE ABOUT YOU.” The “Fragments” run about 8 pages in length, are nicely mimeographed and sell for $1.04 each. Order from I. P. I. C., 1811 3/4 North Western Ave., Los Angeles 27, Calif. The Bible and the Cabalistic background are used to draw meanings to fit the Tarot Cards. For those who favor the Cabala and Hebrew letter numbering of the cards, this is your meat, most decidedly. The writer does not argue her points. She “tells you.” No time or place is allowed the thoughtful HRA reader to indulge in the “suspicious inspection” of ideas which has been hopefully advocated by Ye Ed of H.V. The releases, however, offer the reader, in a swift procession, ideas and comparisons and proposed meanings of the most amazing and varied kind. Almost everything ever taught concerning Tarot meanings, sources and secret coded significances (other than our own Huna slants and the secret code by which the cards are laid out according to the number addition method) may eventually be given in the “Fragments” and, it would seem, much that has never been offered by anyone before. How many units will be released is not stated, but three are now ready. “I have enough material for a dozen Fragments,” writes Mrs. Arnold.
A NEW REPRINT OF THE WAITE TAROT CARDS and book has been made by someone and both cards and book are offered now by Mystic Arts Book Society, 101 West 31st St., New York 11 N.Y. This is a book club offering membership to all who will buy 4 books a year at slightly reduced prices. They offer the Cards in four colors (a great improvement on the ones we have had from FATE magazine and published by The de Laurence Go., Inc, 180 North Wabash Ave., Chicago Ill. who sell the cards alone for $2.50 and the book for the same price, both for $5.00. This less expensive set is in two colors and not so gay, but will do. (FATE has been very slow to fill orders, so de Laurence is a better bet if you wish the less expensive pack.) The Mystic Arts people offer the cards for $3.95 and the book for $4.95, both together for $7.50, postpaid, but this puts you under the obligation to buy four books on occult subjects each year. I get their ad letters and find that the books are good enough, but that I have read most of them long since. If interested, drop them a line and they will send you their offer and book list. Their cards are said to be exact reproductions of color and line of the original Waite pack, which Rider brought out in England, but which were not copyrighted in U.S.A., so are republished here by all and sundry. The reproductions in color in the ad sheet on my desk show the colors much brighter than in my old Rider pack, but although slightly gaudy, they are rather striking.