Читать книгу Max Freedom Long HUNA in the Kabala & Tarot - Monika Petry - Страница 6
BOOKS dealing with the Tarot Cards
ОглавлениеKey to the Tarot by Arthur E. Waite.
Tarot of the Bohemians by Papus. (Rider, 1919.)
Practical Astrology by Comte. C. de Saint Germain. (Out of print.) Horoscope based on numerology and Tarot Cards as symbols of signs and planets. He invented and used the Tarots known to the Egyptians (and only to him).
The Key to the Universe and its companion book, The Key of Destiny. both by Harriette Augusta and F. Homer Curtiss. These authors founded “The Order of the Fifteen” on the meanings they assembled and assigned to the Tarot Cards. Books may still be available. They illustrate four packs and cover most of the things generally believed in Tarot Card circles. (Mrs. Curtiss may still be teaching in Hollywood, Calif.)
How to Use and Understand the Tarot, by Frank Lind. Small book to introduce a course. Modern, and critical of much which has been written of the Cards, but the teachings should not be accepted without question. (English Pubs.)
VALUABLE BOOKS NOT DEALING WITH THE TAROT CARDS, but which will be relied upon for much philosophical, historical and general in formation,are on my shelf:
Books by Gerald Massey, dealing largely with Egyptian beliefs. Ancient Egypt Light of the World, 2 vols.,Book of the Beginnings, 2 Vols., Natural Genesis, 2 Vols. (All very massive and important.)
Books by Dr. Alvin Boyd Kuhn, some based on Massey’s ponderous books and scholarly studies and conjectures. The Lost Light, Who is the King of Glory? and The Shadow of the Third Century, all in print and valuable.
Books by G.R.S. Mead, Theosophist and great scholar. Most of his books are out of print except the three listed first. Thrice Greatest Hermes, three Vols., John Watkins & Co. Pistis Sophia, also in print and available from Watkins. The Subtle Body. (All following out of print. Quests old and New, Did Jesus Live 100 B.C.? Some Mystical Adventures, Fragments of a Faith Forgotten, Orpheus, The Gospel and the Gospels, A Mithraic Ritual, and The Chaldean Oracles. All excellent. Gnosis or research historical.
Books by Helena P. Blavatsky, co founder of the Theosophical Society and amazing gatherer of information from various sources. Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine. Late edition, printed two volumes under one cover. Valuable.
Assorted books on ancient beliefs and customs around the world and through many centuries, with books dealing with Egypt, India and Polynesia. Important.
Assorted books dictated by spirits through living mediums. Often present significant ideas, but material is not often historic. Statements usually contradict other spirit revelations.
The Bible, the Koran, Bhagavad Gita, Buddhist Scriptures and commentaries, Yoga literatures, some Chinese literature. Works on the religion of the Aboriginals in Australia and on the beliefs and magical practices of Africa and Central America. Books on Zen.
Many miscellaneous books on related materials.
(Check with me before you take it for granted that you have knowledge of material unknown to me, and save your time copying out passages or sending me the books.)
A scientist’s approach, Soul of the Universe, by Gustaf Stromberg (in print) is very helpful in many ways.
Assorted articles accumulated over a period of several years.
William James has not been equaled as yet as a writer on psychology.
Fodor’s Encyclopedia of Psychic Science (if you can find one)is the best source book for things psychic.
Huna remains the standard measuring stick for use in an approach to all psycho-religious material.
Tibetan Yoga and related material, while not too important to our project, may best be represented on our book shelves by the fine and scholarly works of W.Y. Evans Wentz. They are all in print or can be had as used books.
Other source books may be mentioned later if we need to refer to them, as may several small books by Mead, and others on the Gnostic literature and such things as the Dead Sea Scrolls. All materials will furnish grist for our mill.
The books by Eliphas Levi, such as his Trancendental Magic, were accompanied by other books signed “Papus” and when Levi is mentioned by Waite, (or by the book based on his book on the Tarot, by de Laurence, here in USA) he also has in mind what was said in the “Papus” books.
YOU MAY ALREADY HAVE NOTICE that I have been using “Tarot” in quoting the titles of books, but that I use “Taro” in the Lodge. There is a very definite initiatory reason for this. If you will look at your illustration sheets and find Trump Major “X,” “The Wheel of Fortune,” you will observe that around the wheel have been placed the letters forming the word “TARO.” To get “Tarot” one has to start reading around the wheel a second time. Some suggest that the letters be transposed to get the word for “wheel,” given as “ROTA,” and others that transposing the letters otherwise will give the “Divine Name.”
It has become customary, owing to the lack of definite information concerning the history and symbol meanings of the Tarot, to invent meanings and proclaim them as solemn facts similar to other “revealed” teachings. In view of this custom, we shall feel fully justified in having a few “revelations” of our own as we compound our ritual and dogmas. Our Lodge can be known outwardly as one based on the TAROT, but for us initiates into the first degree, we will use the proper name, “Taro.”
As no one knows the origin of the information hidden in the symbols on the Taro Cards, our revelation in the Lodge is that in the ages farthest back, it came from Huna. Later, it was more or less covered, twisted or lost, but as the cards come down to us, the name “Taro” survives.
“Taro,” in the Hawaiian dialect favored by na kahuna of old, is kalo. One of the meanings of the word is given in the old Andrews dictionary as, “One of the class of gods called akua noho; opua ame KALO kekahi akua makau ia.”
This class of gods was distinguished by the fact that the “gods” in it lived (noho) with men. They were none other than na Aumakua. They were given various names and titles in keeping with the several ways in which they functioned in “living” with men. The Hawaiian phrase quoted from the dictionary (above) was, undoubtedly, take from something explained in that way by a kahuna who helped make the early dictionary of word meanings. The word “lame” seems to be a typographical error, but the rest of the phrase translated (reading ame as a me) gives “The cluster of (united?) gods of the KALO class who prepare or make things ready (as for an event).”
From this we may conclude that the Taro symbolizes the work of na Aumakua (united as Father Mother pairs, or these in turn united to make the “Great Company” of na Aumakua). This work is that of planning and making things ready on the high level so that the three selves may be able to work and grow properly. The implication is that in the cards we have guidance offered by na Aumakua for the man, considered as a combined Aunihipili and Auhane unit over which hovers the Parental Aumakua Pair who, through the cards, offer enlightenment. (The opu is the “belly” which, in Hawaiian, stood for the seat of the Aunihipili, and all enlightenment was said to be of the “belly.” In other words, the Aunihipili had to be brought along and enlightened or trained to be more like the Auhane as part of the process.)
So, if we speak of the “Tarot,” we may be speaking to either the initiated or the uninitiated. But when we say “TARO” we are holding in mind na Aumakua and their GUIDANCE embodied in the symbols of the cards.
(In the Lodge, when this great secret is divulged to the candidates, the bell will be rung three times, the drum tapped three times, and a lustration [sic] of water, symbol of the high mana, sprinkled around the base of the central altar. Na kahuna had no bells so, if the Lodge has a conch shell, it may be blown thrice. Later we can adjust this part of the ritual to indicate the three selves, three aka bodies and three grades of mana, or we can toss it into the discard. However, all lodges should have rituals. If they mean anything, so much the better.)