Читать книгу Max Freedom Long HUNA in the Kabala & Tarot - Monika Petry - Страница 4
Huna Vistas Bulletin 1 / New Horizons
ОглавлениеTarot Cards
September, 1959
Dear Friends:
We seem to need rather badly a means of keeping contact and so, if we are to have a Newsletter or Bulletin, it seems to me that we might as well make plans for it and see if we cannot make each one stand as a step forward in works of study and of research in which we can all take part according to our various accumulations of information and experience.
With this issue we have a new name for our publication, New Horizons. And, for convenience sake, we start again with Number 1. I believe that, with more and better material, there will be more donation support for Cigbo and his box, and that issues can be sent out more often, more books purchased for editorial needs, and some illustrative material printed for us by the offset process as it is needed.
As this will be the beginning of a series of research and presentation units which amount to a step by step INITIATION into the symbol meanings of the TAROT CARDS, I urge all of you who are interested in having a part in the work to write to me at once to say so. This first number of “NEW HORIZONS” is being sent to all who have been on the old Bulletin list for several years back. That will serve to give a sampling of the material and invite participation. The next issue will be sent only to those who have written in or who have recently donated to the Cigbo work fund.
The single copies of the publication go in lots of over forty for 3¢ postage, but when sent alone, they must go as first class mail at 8¢. So if you request an additional copy, please send the postage to match. As offset printing is used for illustrations, back copies of NEW HORIZONS may not be in hand long.
HRA membership cards are still to be had on request for those who do not have them. Please make your letters brief and please send a stamped and self addressed envelope if you wish to have a reply. This applies also to the continuing TMHG* work, the hours for which soon will change back to regular time.
This is YOUR little magazine project if you will have it so and what we may or may not accomplish together with this fresh start depends on our team work.
Aloha, Max Freedom Long
*see 'Abbreviations' at the end of this book