Читать книгу Max Freedom Long HUNA in the Kabala & Tarot - Monika Petry - Страница 13
TARO CARD SYMBOLOGY – Initiatory Unit 4
ОглавлениеALTHOUGH THIS IS THE FOURTH UNIT, all lodge members took the Fourth Degree of A.O. of HRA Tarot in reading the last Huna Vistas. As a Christmas and New Year bonus, Cigbo now graciously confers on each of us the FIFTH DEGREE, after which he removes his Santa whiskers and puts on his Baby New Year costume so that he can confer what he insists is the 1960th degree of something or other. Someone remarks, “How silly can we get?” The Taro pack is taken from its box and placed on the central altar and the Lodge is abruptly declared OPEN.
SEVERAL SEATS IN THE LODGE ARE FOUND TO BE EMPTY, and the Lamp Lighter is missing. High Card looks greatly distressed as he sadly explains that in Fate magazine and in the Aberee last month there came out a full page ad announcing that in Las Vegas a “Council of Masters” stood ready to advise, teach and instruct in all matters of belief, health and living. The caption “MASTERSHIP ASSURED” was striking. As we all have always hoped that there actually were “Masters,” although none have been found since early Theosophical days, and as all have sometimes thought it would be nice to be a “master” of the sort described by Mme. Blavatsky and her friends, well, as is always the case when such announcements suddenly appear, several HRAs rush to scrape up the “$10 initial donation” to get them started. Old High Card further explained that he had asked two hopeful HRAs to please call on the Council of Masters when in Las Vegas, if the address behind the P.O. Box number could be obtained from the postmaster. So far no report has come back. Possibly the editors of ABEREE will have a glowing report to make in next issue.
One of the missing Lodge members comes in wearily. “You’ve no idea how hard it is to borrow ten dollars for an initial donation, just at Christmas time, and I did so want to become a master,” the member remarks sadly. Then with a slight flash of hope, looking sternly at old High Card, “What’s the matter with us and the Lodge? Can’t you produce a single, solitary master? Seems to me that at least someone might run the cards and be master enough to give us some guidance for living through what is going to happen in 1960.” Eyes turn to High Card. Cigbo rushes in with a paper cap in the form of a cone which he has just rolled from a discarded piece of Christmas paper found in the trash barrel. He places it on O.H.C.’s head and hops down from his shoulder to admire his handiwork. He decides that he has created a “master” of the finest, and begins making the rounds with his cigar box, hopeful of collecting an “initial donation” of ten dollars before the Taro forecast is made and members donate according to their estimate of the value of the prediction.
HIGH CARD still can’t shuffle cards because of the thumb he cut in November on a buzz saw. Cigbo hops to the top of the altar and obliges with a fast shuffle using all four paws. High Card begins to explain slowly…
After shuffling all 78 of the cards yourself, lay the deck on a flat place before you. If there is a customer seated opposite you, he can shuffle, spread out the full deck face down, and pick out five cards where the pack breaks when swept across the board to make a “smear” or “Spread.” If there is no customer, you can cross your own palm with anything that may be handy.
In our case we are asking for a glimpse into the future, so we will run for the past, and if it checks out, well, we will run for the present. If it also checks with facts, we will then try a run for the future. Cigbo spreads the cards and paws out five. High Card turns them face up before him and this is what he has: (Left to right.)
SEVEN OF CUPS (check on your illustration sheets) As we are reading for world conditions, and with the Free World and Red World as the two major divisions, we see in this card high hopes of good things to happen, but without much preliminary work or planning to bring the good things about. “Pie in the sky.”
THE FOOL is the only major deck card in this draw. It therefore is most important. It means the probability of a FALL because there has been so little use of the head, so little reasoned planning just blind blundering forward. This could be the card of the world situation which developed in the near past with the threat of a war of atom bombs.
The TWO OF CUPS is a card which, in this world situation, would indicate in the past a move toward friendship and cooperation. This would fit the recent efforts to get together and talk things out in a friendly spirit. We might say that planning was still poor, but friendship was budding because of the need to heal world ills.
The TEN OF SWORDS may be read as the end of strife and in our world situation we recently arrived at a complete atom bomb war stalemate in which neither side dared longer to resort to even “limited war.”
The KNIGHT OF PENTACLES comes last in the draw. Our knight is still in armor but has given up his sword to fight with the sign of money — commercial “cold war” and financial strength.
This seems to fit the immediate past very well, so we will make a note of what cards we drew it this spread, and then gather up all the cards, have them shuffled, and make a second spread and draw of five cards for the immediate PRESENT. (Old High Card is making the spreads and draws on a table beside him as he writes. Cigbo stands by to shuffle and draw. He crossed O.H.C.’s palm with the silver of a dime, but soon managed to have it back in his cigar box. Always shut your hand over the silver when/if your palm gets crossed.)
Again the cards cut are listed reading left to right.
TEMPERANCE, one of the two majors in the draw and important. It shows the increase of the friendship and (under High Guidance) a strong wish to get together for exchange of friendship’s good offices. Both sides want peace and hope strongly for it. The next three minor cards are all of the wands or business suit. This might be called a return to “business as usual.”
The KING OF WANDS with the dragon on the back of the king’s throne, fits perfectly with the sudden emergence of Red China into the world picture. With war too dangerous to make, China offers one of the best markets for many things the West has to sell. The pressure of American Business to have China recognized so that we can share her market was noted in a news report which also mentioned the sudden flooding of our markets with goods made by the Chinese in Hong Kong.)
The SIX OF WANDS continues the story of business in the saddle and making happy progress.
The FOUR OF WANDS again extends the wand reading, suggesting that in business interchange there is a growing friendship of much importance. Visits are paid and are welcomed. With the easing of war fears, business gains confidence and plans for greater things can be made.
THE STAR is the last of the five cards in this draw. It is also a major and so is important. It is a card of wasted effort and lack of sound planning. The water, or force of mana, is poured lavishly, but to no purpose. This is often a card of loss, theft, thoughtless waste and spoiling of good things. As it is in such a critical position at the point where we move from the end of the present into the arriving future, we need to know all we can of the implications of this card, SO WE SHUFFLE ALL THE CARDS EXCEPT THE FIVE OF OUR PRESENT DRAW AND DRAW OUT ANOTHER CARD TO GO WITH THE STAR. (This may be done with other cards in a draw if their meaning is not clear. The additional draws often clear up the confusion.)
FIRST alternate draw (after shuffle and spread of remaining cards of the full deck) gives another wand or business card, this time, the TWO OF WANDS, meaning that the waste motion of the STAR is connected with business expansion plan , which will go wrong. This is a little indefinite, so a second draw is made from the same spread (no fresh shuffling as all alternate draws are now made from the same spread, picking cards where the pack “breaks” or opens).
SECOND alternate draw is the FOUR OF SWORDS, with the meaning of a truce in war and a period of meditation and waiting, looking to better things to come. This fits the STAR and can be read as a slowing down of the war preparations. My reading is that the waste of the STAR card centers largely on the vast waste of military preparations for a war no nation now dares start. One more draw can be made to see what background of forces may lie behind the STAR.
THIRD alternate draw gives a major card, THE DEVIL. It can be read to indicate all the forces of greed in business, greed for power, and all the evil of too much hate and nationalism, all these as the background of the waste effort of the Star and the continuing plotting and arming.
A silent prayer is addressed to the Po`e Aumakua asking that a part of the crystallized future for the year ahead be revealed through the Taro symbols.
The complete deck is gathered and well shuffled. It is tapped out into a fan spread, showing several break points. The five cards are drawn from the breaks and placed in line, face up. All cards in the pack are placed right side up as no allowance at this time is being made for changed meanings because of reversed cards. High Card draws a long sigh of relief as he bends over the five cards before him on the altar top. The Lodge becomes silent and the tension of anticipation mounts. High Card lifts his head and smiles, saying, “All is well.”
The THREE OF WANDS is the first card and we see that in the year ahead the business world will once more lead the way, using trade agreements to open doors of friendship.
The TWO OF WANDS comes next, repeating the prediction of expanding trade on all sides and many new plans.
The KING OF CUPS is third and centers the line of five cards. He wears a coat of chain mail which is covered by his rich cloak. In his hand is the cup of friendship, not a sword. The reading is that the turn to friendly relations continues and comes to a high point.
The PAGE OF CUPS comes next, with the reading of friendly proposals in smaller matters. Perhaps we have the diplomats beginning to get together on a friendly basis to straighten out lesser matters. But they will be far behind the business men of the world who are making more practical plans in the months ahead and who are going to be the real diplomats and ambassadors who will break through barriers and begin beating swords into plowshares.
The ACE OF WANDS is the fifth card in the row. It is a card of new conceptions in business, new plans, and augurs great success unless plans go wrong. It calls for a new beginning, perhaps a newer philosophy of business in which there is friendship and the desire, or at least willingness to make a fair exchange all around.
For an alternate to go with this card and give it more definite meaning, we make a single draw and get an alternate draw: NINE OF SWORDS. This card is described as picturing one who awakens from a nightmare to find that all the horrors are vanishing and that the present is safe and real. Perhaps no happier card could have been drawn for our alternate than this. It can stand for the world which has been in terror of war for long centuries awakening at last to a time when war is to be replaced by reason and understanding and a mutual desire for friendship and primary justice. For years we of the civilized part of the world have known enough to enable us to begin cooperating and thus avoiding the terrible cost in lives and substance of the use of the Law of Tooth and Fang. The Huna Law of Non-hurt and the Law of Love symbolized by the greatest of all na kahuna (whether real or a symbol) gradually returns to aid a stricken world. No violent reactions of Mother Nature show in the prediction of the cards. The recent discovery of age old ridges in the ocean bottom laid down by the action of water along a set equatorial line discounts greatly the fear that the poles will change and the earth will be flooded or frozen or both. We seem to have at least a little time left in which to begin to use what we know and to make an earth nearer the ideal. Perhaps when Business gets the world slightly straightened out, we will begin to have time for the revamping of the dogmatism in the many religions of the world. The religious antagonisms are very great, we all admit, and true friendship is difficult between men who fear or dislike the dogmas of each other’s religion. Let us look forward to, and pray for, the time when all men can walk together in a common and greatly simplified religion whose basic command is “TO LOVE.”
THE LODGE MEMBERS CLAP POLITELY. High Card takes a bow. Cigbo grabs his box and starts rushing around to make the meeting legal. He is slapped down, given two green stamps to pacify him, and the floor is given to the HRA who demanded a “master,” or at least one who could tell a fortune. “Well, I suppose I will have to be satisfied. But how can you guarantee that what the cards are supposed to have predicted will come to pass? High Card doesn’t look like a Master to me, standing there with a dunce cap on his head. Why can’t we have someone who can look the part and perform some miracles right before our eyes to convince us that he IS a Master?”
Cigbo knows the answer. He speaks up loudly, “It’s because none of you give me enough $10 initial donations, and enough ten dollars following that every month to allow us HRAs to afford a real, and a honest to gunny Master. You can’t have a real Master like you want or a Council of Masters for green trading stamps. You just ask me. I know.”
High Card suddenly decides to close the Lodge for the present. He raises one hand and one foot. “The Lodge is Closed,” he intones.