Читать книгу Indian Cooking For Dummies - Monisha Bharadwaj - Страница 59

Shopping for Essential Ingredients



Stocking up on dry goods

Loading your pantry with canned goods

Making the most of dairy and eggs

Choosing ghee and oils

Handpicking the freshest produce

Knowing what to look for in meat and poultry

If this is the first time you’re trying your hand at Indian cooking, you may be wondering where to begin with ingredients. The good news is that you don’t need a lot of specialty ingredients to prepare your Indian feast. But having some well-chosen ones will definitely up your game.

When you feel like cooking an Indian dinner, your well-stocked pantry can give you lots of inspiration and save time and money, too. No last-minute dash to the corner shop to buy expensive spices or lentils. A well-planned pantry and fridge can work hard for you, leaving you to enjoy the preparation and the eating of your meal.

Indian Cooking For Dummies

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