Читать книгу Indian Cooking For Dummies - Monisha Bharadwaj - Страница 80



Although duck eggs are eaten in some parts of India, the most widely available ones are from chickens. I always go for large, free-range organic eggs, but in Indian curries, size doesn’t matter, so choose medium ones if you prefer. Color doesn’t matter either — you won’t be able to tell the difference between a white egg and a brown one after they’re cooked.

Pay attention to the expiration date. You can also check for freshness by immersing the egg into a bowl of cold water. If it sinks to the bottom of the bowl and lies on its side, it’s very fresh. If it sinks but stands on one end, it’s still fresh enough to eat. If the egg floats, it isn’t a good idea to eat it. When you crack open an egg, a firm, bright yolk indicates freshness, whereas a flabby pale one means the egg is stale.

Indian Cooking For Dummies

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