Читать книгу A Smart Girl's Guide: Manners (Revised) - Nancy Holyoke - Страница 11


Give up your seat on a crowded bus or subway to anybody who

looks as if he or she needs to sit down more than you do. This includes

older people and people with babies or small children.

Men and women have followed different rules in the past. For many

years, men were expected to give all these same signs of deference to

women. A polite man opened doors for a woman and let her enter first.

He stood when a woman entered a room at a party, and offered her

his seat. He walked between a woman and the curb on city streets to

protect her from any rain or dirt kicked up by a passing car. Many people

keep up these traditions today. Others prefer to see women show their

strength and independence by doing these things for themselves.

A Smart Girl's Guide: Manners (Revised)

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