Читать книгу A Smart Girl's Guide: Manners (Revised) - Nancy Holyoke - Страница 5


Dear Reader,

You’re getting older. You’re going new places and

doing new things. You have more independence—

and more responsibility, too. Suddenly everybody

expects you to act more like an adult and less like

your little sister. But that’s not always easy to do.

Manners can help. Manners are commonsense

guidelines for getting along with other people.

They prevent you from being selfish and annoying.

They remind you to be kind. They make you

better company—and a better person. A girl

with nice manners gets respect because she

gives it. She’s also got the tools to handle all

kinds of situations. She finds confidence she

never knew she had.

This book was first published some years ago as

Oops! The Manners Guide for Girls. This edition

has some new information, new pictures, and a new

title. We hope you enjoy the book. We hope you

use what you learn here, too. Every girl has what it

takes to wow the world. Manners can help you do

just that.

Your friends at American Girl

A Smart Girl's Guide: Manners (Revised)

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