Читать книгу Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY - Страница 11

Chapter Seven Teddy


ARI HAD SPENT the last few minutes meticulously ensuring every section of his well-defined body was dry. I was far too busy leaning in the doorway of my wardrobe, admiring him instead of dressing. I had gotten as far as my lilac silk dressing gown, which was a start, I suppose. Then my unabashed gaze zeroed in on the delightful package swinging between his taut thighs stirring a familiar ache between my own. Oh, so worth it.

Throwing the towel over one broad shoulder, he glanced up and smiled perceptively. “Enjoying the show, are we?”

My mouth curved. “Vastly.”

A jet-black brow raised intuitively. “Are you torturing yourself?”

“Maybe…” I sidled up to the bed as he sprayed deodorant under his arms, followed by his cologne around the base of his neck, soaking my bedding with the inebriating fragrance.

Ari made a point of swiftly throwing on a pair of boxer briefs as he looked askance and tutted, “Stop it.” I smiled eloquently in return.

“I have to say, you brought quite a lot of clothes with you,” I said, jerking my chin at the countless choices laid out across the bed. His clothes were expensive, but his taste, impeccable. “…Unless you had plans of secretly moving in with me already?”

Ari briefly glanced up and scowled. “You ought to talk. It has me baffled how the weight of those oversized suitcases you call handbags don’t send you stumbling all over the footpath.” I got the feeling he was deflecting.

“It’s arduous being a woman. Preparation is the key you know, ‘cause the moment you drop the ball…anything could happen,” I taunted. “Knocking out a potential mugger is another advantage.”

He snorted irreverently. “Or bloody well kill them with it.”

I giggled. “Wouldn’t that make for an amusing front page; death by a handbag.” My stomach suddenly rumbled, loud enough for Ari to hear. I blushed. “I must’ve worked up quite the appetite.”

His mouth quirked as dark eyes twinkled at me. “Well, what do you want for dinner?”

“Not sure. You decide.”

“Well, what about we go out then? It’s a lovely evening,” he suggested shrugging on yet another shirt. “Perhaps ask the girls what they’re doing for dinner…” Hesitant, he paused.


“My earlier misdeed left Dominique rather upset with me.” A frown marred his handsome face. “She hates me, and honestly, I can’t blame her. She’s rather adept at knife throwing too you know?” A peculiar comment that had my brows furrowing.

I slipped my arms around his waist and reassured him, “Dying would be such an imposition…” I mock sighed, raising a chuckle. “So, how about, rather than risk your sister’s wrath, I go speak with her?”

Ari smiled weakly. “Okay.”

“If I don’t return – run like hell,” I joked slipping from his embrace and swanning across the floorboards. His bright smile abruptly faded. “Lighten up; I was only joking.”

I left the room and made my way towards the stairs, pausing at the bottom; I must be a glutton for punishment.

Knocking softly, I tentatively pushed the door ajar to Dominique’s room and poked my head around the corner. “Is it safe for me to come in?” They met my presence with a heavy sigh.

“If you must…”

Upon entering the room, I noticed my sister was also in here saving me a trip to her bedroom. The pitiful sight of two grown women sulking like children had my eyes inevitably rolling. Except neither Dom nor Scarlett were children, nor was anyone punishing them. Mind you, with the way they were behaving; a good spanking wouldn’t hurt either of them.

I perched at the foot of the bed, crossing my arms and legs, my pensive gaze eyeing both women. Neither had bothered to look up from their iPads either. How bloody rude.

“I see you’ve been rather busy with my brother!” Dominique snapped abruptly and frostily.

Taken aback by her raw attitude, my mouth tightened. “Not that it’s any of your business, but yes we have.” She glowered at me. Lucky Ari hadn’t come upstairs then. “Anyway, I’m not here to discuss my private life. I came to see if you would like to join us for dinner?”

“Us, as in you and Ari? No thanks,” she uttered irritably. “Besides, the thought of being around my interfering brother causes one to lose one’s appetite.”

Disheartened by her attitude, I sighed. “Are you sure you can’t forgive Ari? He was only looking out for you, not that I agree with how he handled it.” Which was the truth, but I reasoned anyway, “I know he feels terrible about the entire episode.”

Dom shrugged her shoulders indifferently. “Good, he should.”

Not wanting to cause any more angst, I relented and pushed to my feet. “Fair enough… I guess I’ll see you both later then.” Aggravated, I breezed from the bedroom and made my way down the hall into Poppy’s only to receive the same response, without the tantrum or the anger.

“I have a ton of marking that needs completing by tomorrow morning, sorry, Ted. Go out, have an enjoyable time. I’d only be a third wheel, a position no one wants to be in, not with you pair anyway.” She winked.

I laughed. “True. Don’t wait up.”

“Wasn’t planning too!”

Ari sliding an entirely new pair of jeans up his legs and over his boxer briefs as I re-entered the bedroom had my irritation sweeping away in an instant. The tapered cut of the faded denim hugged his rounded rear perfectly. The next item lifted from the bed was a white long-sleeved T-shirt and studiously pulled over his head, avoiding his artfully styled hair. The tight T-shirt fitted just like a second skin, showing every inch of a well-defined body underneath — what a mouth-watering sight.

“Weren’t you dressed before?” I said snapping out of my lust-filled reverie.

“And weren’t you supposed to be getting dressed?” he countered dryly.

He let out a small laugh when I smiled coquettishly and shrugged at him, setting my hands on my hips. My gaze cut back to the clothes spread over my bed. “I’ve concluded you’re a woman.”

“And how, dare I ask, did you arrive at such a conclusion?” Taking a seat in one of the wingbacked chairs, Ari tugged a pair of russet brown leather boots over his feet and tied the laces. Deep brown eyes glinted up at me.

I bent at the waist and picked up his expensively Swiss-made watch, admiring the textured dial and intricately engraved pattern on the face. “Well, for starters, you’ve seriously put a lot of thought into what you packed and not only that, you’ve changed at least three times in the last half an hour. I must say, it’s nice to see a man, oh, sorry, my bad, a woman who has great dress sense.”

Ari shook his head and rose from the chair, his long strides swiftly closing the gap between us. My body tingled breathing in his masculine scent. “Are you getting dressed?” he queried once again. “That is unless you’re planning on going out for dinner in nothing more than your dressing gown? What a delicious thought.” Deft fingers loosened the sash and parted the soft silk, each nipple stiffening under his scorching gaze.

The moment he cupped each breast and rolled their peaks, I was putty in his hands. “Feasting on me now sounds like a much better offer.” Heat radiated between my thighs. “Don’t you agree?”

Catching one of my lobes between his teeth and nibbling, he breathed huskily, “Much.”

Everything inside me clenched.

“But we can wait until after dinner.”

I let out a disgruntled growl, “Why not now?”

He lifted his head, raising a perfectly arched brow. “Don’t sound so disappointed. Eating actual food is a necessity, you know. And besides, we have the entire night ahead of us.”

“Only all night?”

“You might tire of me eventually.”

Snaking my arms around his neck, I captured his mouth, kissing him deliberately and seductively. “I would never tire of you…” Sliding the gown down my shoulders, lilac silk pooled around my feet. “Ever,” I murmured sauntering my naked body away from him and into the wardrobe. With his darkening gaze planted firmly on my bare behind, I remained hopeful that spanking was a big part of that plan.

Grabbing my clutch off the dresser, I informed a patiently waiting Ari I was ready. “Don’t dither; let’s go.”

His luscious mouth twitched in amusement. “Yes, ma’am.” Trailing after me out the door, he gestured to the sleek Imperial blue BMW sitting at the kerb.

“Nice car.”

A boyish grin formed pressing the button on the keys in his hand. “Indeed, it is.” He leaned down to grasp the chrome handle, opening the door for me. What a gentleman. “Your ride, ma’am.”

“Why, thank you, kind sir. I’ll be sure to give you your tip later,” I purred sliding onto the soft seat, the smell of leather and citrus permeating my senses.

“I don’t doubt it.” He chuckled, closing the door. Long legs quickly strode around the bonnet to slide in beside me, inside me was preferable. His mouth curved leisurely into a breathtaking smile. “Well, where to?”

Uncertain, I shrugged. “I don’t know, you decide. Any brain cells I had left you sucked from my body.”

Smirking, his hands flexed over his jeans. Hm, interesting. “I have a craving for Italian. And coincidentally, I know a lovely place on Lygon Street.”

“Sounds good,” I replied, snuggling into the seat.

“Okay, Italian it is then,” Ari said softly, reaching across to tenderly kiss me before starting up the car and roaring away from the kerb. That would never get old.

If anyone ever asked me about my favourite past times, one would be dining on Lygon Street in Carlton. The long length of street was buzzing, as it did most nights no matter what the season, with summer being the busiest of course.

Couples and families casually strolled a busy walkway that was awash with an array of cultured restaurants, cafés, and sports bars. Their staff hovered about the open doors ready to refill glasses for their jovial patrons already seated at the poky tables edging the footpath.

So busy was the night, Ari had trouble finding a car park close by forcing him to park around the corner in Argyle Street.

“Here we are. Wait there, I’ll get your door,” Ari firmly stated, switching off the car and stretching for the jacket laying across the backseat. I knew there was a reason I wanted and loved that man — pure gentleman.

I obediently waited as he climbed from the low vehicle and hastily walked his gorgeous body around the bonnet to open my door. His hand extended ready for me. “Thank you, kind sir.”

Closing the door, Ari roughly tugged me to him, landing a heated kiss on my lips. “Behave.” He growled, liberally brushing his lips against mine. “Or I’ll take you here on the footpath, and I don’t care who sees.” His domineering reaction had me wondering whether he understood the reference or not.

God, he smelled intoxicating. I would’ve happily lost my inhibitions in front of everyone, except without the ramifications. “Hmm, an enticing proposition, however, there are a few issues with venturing down that road.”

His head cocked. “Such as?”

“Well, for starters, we’d be arrested for lewd behaviour and indecent exposure,” I said, skimming my hands over the curve of his defined back. “Then we’d have to face the wrath of our families for getting arrested, and for embarrassing them. Not so enticing now is it?”

Ari scrunched up his nose. “No, most definitely not. The thought of facing my mother sounds awfully frightening.” He was right; trifling with an angry Audrina was not ideal on any given day.

I offered up a sensible substitute instead, “Dinner then?”

He pushed a soft, chaste kiss to my lips. “I knew there was a reason I was dating you.”

“Yeah, I’m the sensible one.”

Feigning offence, he grabbed my hand, the two of us laughing as we sauntered down the footpath. Enticing smells wafted out the restaurant doors making our mouths water. We were both starving, which wasn’t surprising considering our rather carnal afternoon.

Vendors shouted from their doorways, hoping to lure prospective customers with their competitive prices and decadent menus. We strolled straight past them until we reached Mercadante, a quaint Italian restaurant that made you feel as if you were in Venice, only without the canals.

“Here we are. Mercadante not only cook genuine Italian wood-fired pizzas, they also have the best wines,” Ari murmured, rubbing a hand over his growling belly.

My eyebrows shot up. “Why am I not surprised?” A dark brow raised above an even cheekier smile. I tutted as he dragged me through the open door.

Immediately a waiter dressed as a gondolier kindly greeted us. He directed us to a table situated beneath an open bi-fold window with views of the busy street where he duly informed us his name was Antonio and he was to be our waiter for the evening.

“Your menu,” he said, placing two black folders on the table directly in front of us. “Would you like a drink to start, signor, and signora?”

Responding in fluent Italian, Ari requested his preferences while slinging his leather jacket across the back of a chair. He slid into the opposite seat.

Pleased he had reciprocated his native tongue, Antonio nodded.

I wasn’t even aware Ari could even speak Italian but was impressed nonetheless. Then again, I was biased.

They switched back to English. “Of course, do you want to order your main as well, signor?”

“No, thank you. We’ll order those after our entrées.”

“Eccellente. I shall be back shortly with your wine,” Antonio replied before turning on his heel and heading towards the bar.

Ari’s dominant side hadn’t shocked me either. It turned me on, immensely. “You command, and people seem happy to jump.”

Filling our water glasses, he unapologetically answered, “I know what I want. Procrastination is a pet peeve of mine, and besides, eating while drinking was a foregone conclusion, I thought.”

“Fair enough, I can’t argue there,” I conceded, resting my folded arms across the table. I gazed curiously. “So, tell me about your business; what does an enigmatic CEO do with his day besides ensuring his hair remains perfectly intact all the while barking orders at his minions?” The corners of Ari’s mouth quirked in amusement.

“Jaeger Property Development oversees a multitude of items, ranging anywhere from rebuilds to new builds, commercial and residential. We also work alongside the various councils to ensure each development runs smoothly. I also own several properties, as well as shares in businesses around Victoria and New South Wales. The business has increased quite profitably, so much so, our Sydney branch has recently expanded. The staff there are amidst packing as we speak and are moving mid next month into brand new offices right in the heart of the CBD. With one of the best men I know to run the place….”

As I listened intently to him, the soulful voice of Ella Fitzgerald crooning in the background slowly drifted away. All I heard was Ari’s lilted voice and the evident passion for his job. I felt my eyes wandering, soaking him in the same way he had with me during our earlier shower.

From his artfully tousled, and wayward short, thick, jet-black hair to the colour of his almond-shaped eyes. Pure dark chocolate that turned ebony when they darkened. A straight nose, sitting perfectly above his beautifully sculptured mouth, and last but not least, his raspy British accent, a voice that was capable of seducing me, without even the slightest of touches.

Antonio eventually returned to the table with our bottle of Shiraz as well as our entrées breaking me out of my musings. As I looked up, I caught Ari staring with an inquisitively raised brow.

“Are you okay? All that dreary talk of business must have bored you, surely?” He cut the Bruschetta in half and lifted it to his mouth, taking a bite. I copied.

Balsamic vinegar combined with ripened Roma tomatoes tingled my taste buds, delicious. Swallowing, I gave a slight shake of the head. “No, you weren’t boring me. It was quite the opposite actually; I was simply admiring the view. Again.” Bringing the glass of wine to my lips, I smiled coyly.

Closely observing as I slowly sipped, Ari inhaled sharply. “You’re quite the naughty girl. Who knew?”

“I’ve never felt this way with anyone before you,” I admitted lowering my eyes. I hadn’t bothered looking either.

In a smooth caress, Ari slid a hand over mine. Like two magnets drawn to one another, our eyes locked. “I feel the same way about you, Teddy. I always knew feeling this way was possible, but I was beginning to lose hope.” His throat bobbed tightly. “I had reached the stage where I was ready to give up and as pathetic as it may sound, I wasn’t prepared to even settle for less. Loving someone else when I have loved you my entire life was inconceivable.” His admission blew me away.

Curiosity got the better of me. I had to ask, “But when did you realise that you were actually in love with me?”

“I had just celebrated my twentieth birthday, and you had barely turned sixteen. Legally though, I couldn’t do anything about it. Therefore, I waited. Patiently, until you finished high school, then you went off to university.”

“But I was still here, in Melbourne,” I sadly disagreed, even if it was only in body.

“I know, and honestly, I thought some other suitor would have come along sweeping you off your feet while you were there. As it stood, we barely crossed paths. I was busily trying to establish my business, and just when the timing was right, it seemed as if you’d locked yourself away from the world.”

I had. If only Ari knew why. Courage lacked for me to tell him why.

“The next time I saw you, it was at your twenty-first birthday party. Taking my eyes off you was unimaginable.” Sexual tension crackled around us and rose with each candid confession. “You were so beautiful, and still are, and that dress, wow.”

“I still have ‘the’ dress. I’ve never wanted to get rid of it, mainly because my father bought it for me. Mother told me it was terribly indecent and far too short.” Another night wasted. If only my path had led me directly to you, and not in the other direction.

“And in those heels…. It was awfully tempting to drag you into the toilets then and there.” He blushed. Hmm, the possibilities, I’ll be sure to wear them again.

“Ari Jaeger! Are you blushing?”

“Yes, but don’t tell anyone, will you? I do have a bad boy image to uphold after all.”

“So, the mysterious CEO does have a human side,” I teased, perching an elbow on the table, and resting my chin in the palm of my hand. “So, why didn’t you?”

Ari stared, confused. “Do what exactly?” Really? He had to ask why?

“You know, drag me into the toilets and have your wicked way with me?”

“Quite the unhygienic place for a sex romp, don’t you think?” His nose crinkled in disgust. Then he softened. “See, I can be a gentleman, and on the odd occasion, a caveman, so I was recently told.”

I laughed softly. “Unhygienic or not, I wished you had. It might’ve stopped mum from trying to set me up with her friends’ jerk of a son Carter Jenkins at least. What a sleazeball.” Even now, he still was.

“He kept groping your arse; I remember that much. Bryson and I were both ready to teach him some manners. As it turned out, we didn’t need to; you handled him rather appropriately if I recall.” Ari grimaced at the memory.

“Ah, how could I possibly forget? Or the fact he squealed like a pig after my shoe connected with his foot.” My mouth twisted ruefully. “Carter deserved every bit of what I did to him. Although, my mother didn’t see it that way and scolded me like an errant child for my undignified behaviour for weeks on end after that.” God forbid I ever embarrass her in front of her high society friends. “Then she insisted I apologise to that weasel and his snobby mother, Miriam, which I refused, of course. He ought to have thanked his lucky stars the spike of my heel hadn’t connected with his balls instead.”

Ari winced. “Yes, those stiletto spikes certainly had a bit of a kick to them. Pun intended.” He chuckled. “And from what I’ve heard, Carter still has quite the limp.” A piece of information I was quite familiar with, unfortunately.

“It was just my reflexes. A girl has to protect herself,” I muttered, staring wistfully at the flickering candle in the middle of the table.

Ari gently wiped away a stray tear I hadn’t realised had fallen with the soft pad of his thumb. I met his unwavering gaze, and for a fleeting moment, a past I wished, in reality, wasn’t there, vanished.

Seated across the table from me was a man I’d desired my entire life. He knew nothing of my history, past or present. Frankly, I wasn’t interested in sharing either. Circumventing might be another issue.

The sound of a throat cleared interrupting our intimate moment. “Are you ready to order your mains, signor?”

Ari glanced up at Antonio and brusquely ordered veal scallopini before returning his heated gaze to me. Our yearning for one another openly radiated, sending our crimson waiter scurrying away without our half-finished entrées — poor fellow.

So enthralled, I failed to notice Ari picking up the wine bottle or topping up both glasses. I took mine from his outstretched hand as he passed it to me over the table.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?”

Glinting chocolate orbs dipped to my fingers as they glided over the narrow stem. “No, just pliable.” I squirmed in my seat.

“I’m already quite flexible, without the alcohol. But you’re already aware of that.” The corners of his delicious mouth eloquently rose. “Do you care to explain the fully packed bag of clothes you brought to my place today?” Clutching and balancing the stem between my fingers, I swirled the wine around inside before taking a tentative sip. “Rather presumptuous, wouldn’t you say?”

“Nothing wrong with feeling hopeful,” Ari swiftly replied. “And well, it certainly paid off.”

“Does that mean you’re staying at my house tonight?” I silently prayed the answer was a yes, spending another minute apart from him was unthinkable.

“I can,” he replied softly. “As I said, I wanted to be well organised just in case.”

A victorious smile flittered across my lips.

Ari reached across the table and took my hand, pleasantly stroking the knuckles with his thumb. “I take it you are pleased with the response?”

Slowly nodding, I shivered deliciously at his touch. “Yes, sir, I am.” He frowned and was about to respond when our waiter Antonio interrupted once again.

“Signor, signora, your Vitello Scallopini,” he said, setting the steaming meals in front of us.

“Thank you, this looks delicious,” Ari informed the ever-patient waiter.

“You’re welcome, signor. Will there be anything else?”

“No, thank you, that shall be all,” he sternly replied.

“Enjoy.” Realising he was no longer needed Antonio swiftly took off, taking the entrées with him.

Ari dug his fork into the thin tender steaks smothered by a creamy mushroom sauce. “I’m going to enjoy my meal, and then enjoy having my dessert later at home.” The sensual tone of his voice was full of promise and longing.

My body quivered in shameless anticipation. Everything about the divine man sitting across from me, I craved, my thirst unquenchable. All I wanted to do was reach over and maul him; patrons and the consequences be damned.

We finished our meal in relative silence, speaking only through our body language, with a touch here, and a touch there, sending heat coursing through my veins.

As soon as we swallowed the last bite, and drank the last drop of wine, Ari was calling the waiter over for the bill. He barely glossed over the receipt. With his darkened gaze resting solely on me, he swiftly tugged a wad of cash out of his leather wallet and placed it inside the black folder, leaving a ludicrously large tip for the suffering waiter.

“Thank you, signor, and please, come again.”

“Oh, I plan on it.”

Grasping each other’s hands, we rushed out the door and back to the car, both as eager as the other to get home.

Sins & Secrets

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