Читать книгу Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY - Страница 12


Chapter Eight

UPON INSPECTION of the crumpled state of the bed, the result of passionate and the occasional ravenous lovemaking, my mouth curved. Usually, crisp Egyptian cotton sheets were twisted and hung off the mattress. Cushions and pillows were scattered, landing wherever we’d thrown them in our haze of hunger.

Ari’s decadent lovemaking had taken me to entirely new heights. Whether it was his fingers, his mouth, or his tongue, he had worshipped every inch of my body, making my body sing from the pleasure alone, leaving me deliciously sore. Everywhere.

“I hope I’m the reason you are smiling like that?” Ari presumed, strolling from the bathroom. He leaned over me, brushing his soft lips over my cheek. His freshly showered scent an intoxicating blend of orange, grapefruit, and mint with a subtle hint of roses drifting over me, leaving me high, high on him.

My head rolled over the pillow, meeting Ari’s tender gaze. I felt his hot breath blowing over my face, and the strength of his arm as it slowly slithered around my waist, raising me off the bed, his ripped stomach flexing as he drew me closer. So close, not even a whisper of air could’ve passed between us. Pressed against my midriff was his growing cock; I ground my hips, indicating my desire for more.

A loud, harsh smack connected with my behind; I moaned in ecstasy. A low growl rumbled. “Did you enjoy that?”

“Perhaps you could do it again sometime?” I articulated, tugging at his bottom lip with my teeth.

“Really?” Ari flinched as I bit down. “You would let me do that again?”

“I’ve dropped enough hints, haven’t I?”

“I suppose you have,” he murmured as I swept the tip of my tongue between the parted seam of his mouth. His scorching expression searched my face as his long fingers skated along my jaw and throat in a light caress. “Is there anything else you desire?”

Where did I start? “A little bondage, maybe a few toys; I have a few already if you must know,” I unashamedly divulged.

Astonished, he tilted my chin, grazing his lips over mine. “You are full of wonder. I look forward to our experimentation then…”

“I’ll be right back, sir,” I whispered, stealing a quick kiss off a frowning Ari before disappearing into the bathroom.

“Nice tent you have there,” I casually pointed, tugging my thick tresses from a hair tie as I stepped back into the bedroom.

“Well, I wonder why that would be,” he uttered rising off the pillows and dragging the sheet away, leaving his rock-hard member exposed to my hungry gaze. He held out a hand for me. “Come.”

Sliding my hand into his, I gracefully crawled up onto the bed, and settled between the widespread of his taut thighs. My lustful gaze leisurely slid over his well-sculpted body until it halted at the impressive length encased by his gently fisting hand.

Dark chocolate orbs darkened, becoming pools of ebony as his sculpted mouth slackened, eliciting soft pants. A familiar warmth spread, filling my aching core with each measured, titillating stroke.

Precum seeped, dripping over the broad crest. Oh, yes, please. I had been dying to have a taste. Sweeping my hair to one side, I leaned forward and suckled gently, swirling the tip of my tongue over the swollen head. Delighted by his decadent flavour, I hummed and took him deeper brushing my lips against Ari’s tightly wrapped fingers, resting at the base of his rigid column.

His hands gravitated towards my hair, holding me firmly in place as his long fingers sifted through my tresses and gripped them by the roots. The painful pleasure making me moan as he tugged out of ecstasy.

Dragging my bared teeth up the velvety shaft and back down again, I reciprocated the pain eliciting an appreciative hiss from Ari.

Our pleasure had quickly turned into a game of tit for tat.

Hard and repeatedly, he thrust his hips, plunging his cock deeper and deeper. “Jesus, Teddy!” he uttered astounded by my gag reflex or lack thereof. He didn’t seem to mind either by the continual ramming of his cock down my throat.

I kept working his cock with one hand while skating the other along the inside of his thigh, cupping his tightened scrotum in my palm. A move that provoked a guttural moan, as did the circling pads of my fingers over his perineum. I pressed harder.

He muttered incoherently, “For the love of God, Teddy, don’t stop.” Oh, I hadn’t planned on stopping, not until I had pumped you dry anyway.

Taut, muscular legs quivered, and veins pulsated over his length as his cock swelled. Warm salty fluid swiftly followed, gushing copiously down my throat.

“Ah, fuck!” My mouth continued to pump him as I swallowed every last drop. Ari’s gratified moans filled the room, my reward for a job well done. He sagged further into the pillows, gazing sleepily at me as I licked his shaft clean with a small, satisfied smile resting upon his face. “That was…wow.”

Beaming up at him, I crawled up along the length of his body and stretched out, laying between his thighs. “It was something, wasn’t it?”

Ari chuckled, one hand softly stroking my head and the other strumming over the length of my spine. “You blew my mind. Literally.”

My mouth curved decadently. “I’d be more than happy to do it again, you know. It was rather tantalising, not to mention delicious.”

Studying me intently, a hand cupped the back of my head. “You’re insatiable, aren’t you?”

“I am, but I can’t help it.” Well, that was the truth.

“Aren’t you sore after all this sex, I know I am.” No.

“A little, but nothing bath salts won’t fix.” Ari wasn’t sure what to make of my nonchalant attitude. In fact, he looked perturbed by it.

“I seriously have nothing left. You have worn me out.”

“Pity,” I blatantly admitted, and then thought it best to mollify Ari when his face dropped, “…. We can wait.”


Astounded by Teddy’s unwavering appetite, I sank back against the pillows, watching her as she climbed over me and curled into my side. Something was amiss here, but what it was, I had no idea. It was a conversation for another day, perhaps. For now, I was far too tired, as was Teddy. She had invariably drifted off and had begun talking in her sleep.

“Hm, love you.”

I turned my head and lovingly gazed down at her. “Goodnight, my lovely,” I whispered gently pressing my lips to her head.

An alarm beeped madly on Teddy’s bedside table, waking me with a start. My bleary eyes peeled open in time to observe an arm flinging out from beneath the sheet. A slender hand violently hit the button, silencing the deafening noise.

“What did that poor clock ever do to you?”

Swivelling her head over the pillow, Teddy smiled, her hazel eyes shining brightly, and mischievously as she stared at me. I too had her number.

“Hello, gorgeous.”

Her cute nose wrinkled. “Good morning to you too, handsome.” Lifting the bed sheet, she peaked underneath, and then back at me, biting down on her bottom lip. “Such a shame to waste this…,” she simpered floating both hands over my torso. I silently thanked the heavens above they were warm before she shamelessly began exploring my nether regions.

I grunted at the feel of her long fingers cupping my balls and the tip of her tongue tickling the swollen head of my cock. “We….can’t leave…your day unsatisfied now, can we?”

“Hm, yum,” she purred, licking away the precum seeping over the crest.

I preempted her next move and consequently swiftly flipped us over, pinning her wriggling body beneath me. Pushing her legs wide with my knees, she moaned, her back arching off the bed as I rapidly sank inside her warm, glistening sex.

“No, my turn. You had your wicked way with me last night.”

“No fair.” Succulent lips pouted and panted with want. We locked eyes, and her pupils dilated. Her guileless gaze darkened to a deep sea-green completely possessing me, so I completely possessed her, mind, body, and soul.

“We need to get out of the shower. Otherwise, we won’t ever get out, and we’ll both be late for work,” Teddy informed me of, reaching for the tap. I swatted her hand away and took her into my arms.

“So, be late,” I murmured, peppering kisses along her clavicle and biting down on her shoulder.

“All right for some, but I can’t imagine Spencer being impressed by my tardiness,” she retorted tartly, wriggling against me.

“You can just blame me,” I said, skimming my lips up the side of her throat.

She moaned. “No, I can’t…as much as I want too.”

“Well, what’s the problem then?” I joked. That was my first mistake; the second was my attempt to grab Teddy as she took a step back.

Terror flashed across her face. “I said NO!” Leaping from the shower, she ran away from me and out of the bathroom, sans the towel.

Puzzled as to what scared her off, I stared after her. That went without saying, ascertaining any answers wouldn’t happen if I stayed in here. I shut the water down and stepped onto the mat, reefing two towels off the heated rail on my way past as I wandered out of the bathroom.

I didn’t have to look far. I found a shivering Teddy huddled on the floor in the corner of her expansive wardrobe. My first instinct was to wrap the warm towel around her; it was fruitless. She shook her head heatedly and proceeded to shuffle further away from me. “Teddy, please, you’re freezing.”


Dejected, my knees dropped to the hard timber floors. “It was never my intention to frighten you.”

“I know,” Teddy whispered, so quiet it was barely audible.

Concerned, my brow furrowed. “If I did, I apologise. I couldn’t…would not. Not in that way; it would be abhorrent,” I added, running a hand through my wet hair. “Teddy, please say something, I’m starting to freak out here.” I was too afraid to touch the woman I loved all because she was frightened. Of what though?

“I know you wouldn’t – not like he did,” she sniffled, fighting a losing war with her tears. “I’ll explain to you one day, but…not right now…I…I just can’t.”

Who was he? Moreover, what did he do? Although my gut told me otherwise, I wasn’t about to speculate either. I stiffly nodded, agreeing with her. What else could I have said? “Okay, I’ll wait for you.” Like always.

“You’ll hate me,” Teddy quietly told me. That was a load of bollocks right there.

“No, Teddy, I could never, I love you,” I declared reaching out, only to have her cower away from me, taking me aback. “Trust me, please.”

“I do. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologise. Can we cover you up at least?” I sensed her trepidation and prodded gently, “Please? You’re shaking.” Precariously, she moved into my lap, permitting me to cover her with the now cold towel. Relief flowed through me.

Resting my cheek against the crown of her head, I tightened my embrace, wondering what on earth had happened to the rambunctious girl I remembered growing up with all those years ago.


Tugging the dress over my head, I mulled over my request, making Ari leave me be while I dressed. I just felt dirty and unattractive, even though he’d seen me naked many times already. Facing him right now was inconceivable. How could I, after that little freak out in the shower? He might not want to confront me either; the thought depressed me.

I slumped into the upholstered chair in the corner of my wardrobe and perched my elbows on my knees, covering my blotched face with my hands. It had taken me ten years – ten bloody years to face my fears, and just when I finally had the man of my dreams, I freak out, scaring him half to death.

Why did everything have to be so damned complicated? Swiping away my tears with the backs of my hands, I snatched up my tan peep-toes off the floor and tiptoed over the floorboards. The adjoined door soundlessly slid open and disappeared inside the wall cavity as I looked over at Ari, his beautiful frame standing by the bay window as he dressed. He was clearly struggling too, making my heart painfully wrench more than it already was.

Oh, Ari, I am so, so sorry for the way I’ve made you feel. As I warred with my thoughts, my brows furrowed; I realised losing him was no longer an option, but then neither was destroying him. Now, as I watched Ari staring off into the oblivion, I saw my past already was – I had to let him go.

Sins & Secrets

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