Читать книгу Sins & Secrets - NICHOLA HARVEY - Страница 7



The wild night out had cost me severely in the way of a vicious hangover and painful blisters on the soles of both feet. “How about we do brunch? I could quite easily go for one of those salmon bagels and a ridiculously strong coffee from the Pocket Café around the corner; it would be fantastic about now.”

It seemed I wasn’t the only one feeling sorry for herself.

Poppy winced easing onto a stool at the island bench and nursed her pounding head between her hands. “Sounds like a plan. The fresh air might be nice too.”

“Sunglasses are a must,” Scarlett added in a hushed tone, her eyes squinting at the bright sun blazing in through the kitchen window above the apron-front farmhouse sink. “Why do we put ourselves through this?”

“And just think, we’re punishing ourselves all over again tonight at my mothers,” Dominique groggily murmured alongside her while downing a couple of painkillers with a glass of icy cold orange juice.

“Come on, let’s go eat, and refuel ready to kill our livers again later.” Sighing, I pushed away from the bench and hobbled back to my bedroom. Why did I suggest clubbing last night knowing we were partying again later? By the end of the weekend, an ice pack wouldn’t cut it; I’d have to soak my entire body in the pool to recover.

The house had become a hive of activity, and hidden somewhere under the piles of makeup and hair accessories was my dining table. According to Dom, it was everything we needed to beautify ourselves for her mother’s party. She had also kindly offered to style our hair; more like threatened us if we went to anyone but her. She was a hairdresser after all.

With Jessica Mauboy’s, Fallin’ playing softly from the speaker, I sat back, soaking up every minute of the pampering while my liver soaked up yet more champagne. Curious about the party, I asked, “Not that your mother ever needs an excuse, but what’s the reason behind this latest cocktail party?”

She snorted derisively. “No, you’re right there, she doesn’t. Tonights about dad’s law firm as he and Uncle Garrett have a new junior they want to introduce to everyone who matters, including Asher, Ari’s lawyer. You remember him, don’t you, Teddy?”

He was a hard man to forget; loud, brash, crass, - a possible roadblock in my plans. With any luck, he’d be too distracted trying to worm his way into someone’s skirt. One could only hope.

“Mum showed me a photo, and he’s rather cute.”

I frowned. “Asher’s cute?”

“Ew, no, Asher’s too old!” I laughed at her horrified expression as she twisted a narrow length of my hair around the straightener. “I was talking about the new associate.”

“Sorry, Dom, anyway, carry on.”

“What’s the new guy’s name?” Scarlett queried impatiently, “Dom, hello?”

Dominique blinked and stared blankly. “What?”

“A…name… please,” she repeated slowly. “And we want other details too. You know, what he looks like, age, star sign, etc.”

Rolling my eyes at my sister was a given. Unlike me, Scarlett was incredibly nosy, insisting on knowing everything, no matter how small the detail.

“Oh. Yeah, right. Damien Rivers his name, and has eyes the same colour as one too,” dreamily describing him while she had long curls of my hair wrapped around the steaming straightener. Not the ideal situation if I had plans to seduce Ari later. A bald head might be a significant turn-off. I let out a sigh of relief as a hot curl flowed down my neck.

I chuckled. “What a yucky brown like the Yarra?”

“Nooo, they’re a stunning blue, like the ocean on a bright day. His hair…it’s the colour of caramel, like the ones I enjoy sucking on.” Her lips twisted ruefully. “He has a chiselled jaw and face, and his body, from what I was able to tell by the cut of his suit, didn’t seem too shabby either. His smile,” she gushed, “made him, ah...dashing.”

Scarlett’s eyelids fluttered. “Dom’s in love.”

Switching from the straightener to hairpins, Dom let out a girlish giggle. “No, not love, just lust. Don’t confuse the two. And if I’m right, Teddy might not be the only one getting lucky tonight.”

I scoffed at the statement. “Let’s not count our chickens before they hatch, shall we?” Inwardly though, I hoped it to be true. “Getting our heads back above the waistline, isn’t this party a bit much and over the top for just one guy? Won’t he feel a tad overwhelmed?”

“Hopefully not. Mum felt this party would be the perfect introduction for Damien. Me personally, a simple dinner party would have sufficed. My mother, as we all know, refuses to settle for anything less. Any excuse for kicking up her heels really,” Dominique said grasping the small hand mirror beside me and waving it around the back of my head. “There, all done, Miss Teddy, do you approve?”

As always, she had outdone herself. Apart from the few loose strands falling gently around my face, she had swept my hair to one side, leaving masses of curls pinned neatly just above my nape. My neck left exposed, ready for Ari’s sweet lips, his hands, and…oh boy, I had better stop right there. Just envisaging his sexy arse body had the warmth igniting between my thighs.

“Earth to Teddy,” Dom murmured, waving a hand in front of my face. “Just now, that flush in your face was rather disconcerting.”

I pushed from the chair and looked anywhere except at the three sets of eyes laughing at me as the flush rose over my neck and face. “It’s lovely, Dom, thank you.”

“Thank you. Ari should hopefully love it just as much.”

Dominique’s charismatic smile flashed, tapping the top of the chair with the hairbrush. “Now, who’s next?”

Realising that was my cue to move, I sidestepped to another chair.

“Wear your eye makeup heavier tonight, Teddy,” Scarlett conveyed, occupying the seat I’d just vacated. “Make them look…seductive.”

I shot her a quizzical look as I slowly dabbed the foundation sponge over my nose and cheeks. “I don’t want to look like a high-class hooker either.”

“You don’t want to look like a nun either. Otherwise, you might not get none!”

My eyes rolled. “Good to see you paid attention in English, sis.” The torture didn’t end there as she passed the gold-encased lipstick pulled from her makeup case over the table to me. Blue eyes mischievously glimmered as she watched me slip off the lid and inspect the red stick inside.

“Ari has a real fetish for clowns, or so I’ve heard.”

Dominique swiftly reacted and tapped the top of her head with the back of the brush. She wasn’t gentle about it either; Dom had the Jaeger temper that’s for sure.

“Ow, what was that for?” Scarlett whined rubbing the crown of her head. “That’s probably going to bruise.”

I sniggered behind the safety of my hand.

“All that shall bruise is your ego,” Dom growled, waving the pointy end of the pintail comb at her. “Your sister’s nervous enough as it is. Keep it up, and you’ll be the one looking like a circus freak instead. Good luck getting a man then!”

Scarlett shrank down in her seat. “Okay, I’ll stop. I’m sorry, Teddy.”

I narrowed my eyes. “I’m sure you are. And while I do appreciate the advice, even if in part it was you being nothing more than a nasty cow, I only want to appear alluring, not desperate.”

Scarlett nodded in defeat. “Fair enough, but seriously the red lipstick would look amazing with your dress and nails.”

“I’ll wear it then,” I murmured setting the lipstick beside me.

For the next twenty minutes, I was able to apply my makeup in peace, without any further ribbing. Once finished, I sat back and admired my handiwork in the mirror. “Well?” I asked, pushing the mirror aside.

“Stunning,” remarked Poppy.

“You go, girl. If that doesn’t blow Ari away, well, he’s more of an idiot than I thought,” Dominique assured.

Pushing off my chair, I placed a hand on my dancing stomach and blew out a shaky breath. “What if tonight’s proposition goes wrong? Or Ari laughs at me? Or worse, he rejects me for making him wait this long?”

“You’ll be okay,” Dominique whispered, placing a reassuring hand on my upper arm. “I just happened to overhear along the grapevine; my brother’s just as nervous. He’s worried you’ll reject him.” Whenever it came to gossip, Dom never just happened to overhear anything, she was usually right in the thick of it.

“Oh, that makes me feel better. I think.” Unconvinced, I grimaced. “Regardless of what happens, I am now going to go and finish getting myself ready, so that I am hot enough for Ari not to turn me down!” A girl could dream, couldn’t she?

I padded back into the bedroom and dropped my dressing gown to apply moisturiser to every inch of my body, leaving my skin soft and supple to the touch. Then I sprayed my favourite perfume, Marc Jacobs, Daisy, dotting the delicately alluring scent around the pulse points of my throat, and wrists.

My meticulously planned outfit for the night ahead lay on the bed; black lacy Victoria Secret panties, their delicate lace see-through, giving the slightest of hints to the treasures lying beneath and a simple backless one-shouldered bodycon dress in black. No bra required. Extremely short, the hem barely stopped mid-thigh. I had to say, as I admired myself in the full-length mirror, the fitted dress was definitely worth the expense.

I then moved toward my antique dresser and perched on the chair, slipping a pair of four-inch black strappy diamanté heels over my feet. Cute. I knew the perfect piece of jewellery to complement them too — my square-cut eighteen-carat white gold diamond earrings, a twenty-first birthday present from my grandfather, Barrett McGovern. I pushed the studs into my lobes and took one last look in the mirror before exiting the room to join the others in the kitchen for yet more celebratory glasses of champagne.

“Looking spectacular ladies.” I smiled, handing them each a flute. “Now a toast – here’s to a successful evening – and to hopefully getting laid.”

In our typical manner, we were fashionably an hour late, eventually arriving at the Jaeger’s residence, a sprawling French-inspired mansion residing in the leafy upper-class suburb of Toorak. The town car curved smoothly around the crescent-shaped driveway with our driver halting beside a brightly lit water fountain, it’s centrepiece a mother nursing her child. A sure sign Audrina loved her children I thought.

Dominique clumsily stepped out first. “Oh, whoops! I had better not fall into that.” She laughed loudly, adjusting her fitted cranberry red midi dress.

“I’m so buzzed,” a slurring Poppy announced, sliding across the black leather seat. “That bottle of champagne Audrina had waiting in the car has put me over the edge.” Elegantly swinging her legs and climbing from the car without falling at least, she stood to straighten her short V-neck chiffon daffodil cocktail dress. With her warm, honey blonde hair slicked back and natural makeup highlighting coffee brown eyes, she looked stunning.

“I know what you mean.” God, I was just as drunk. I giggled like one too. Falling out behind her, I was desperately trying not to fall into the fountain myself. Hours spent getting dressed up would’ve been a pointless exercise otherwise. Teetering on high heels while drunk was not a great mix either, making the amble up the cobblestone-paved footpath to the front door quite the tricky task.

Dominique’s parent’s, Jaxson and Audrina stood in the covered breezeway, greeting each guest as they arrived, directing them in through the house and out to the open marquee in the expansive backyard. Ruby red lips mischievously quirked as Audrina embraced each of us.

“Oh, my goodness, girls, you’re sloshed already,” she murmured in her ever-present English accent.

With her alabaster skin and flowing locks of glossy jet-black hair, Audrina had always reminded me of Snow White; classically beautiful. Well, that’s who I’d compared her to as I grew up. Nevertheless, it was a term of endearment she grew to love.

As a small child, whenever our families came together, I’d stand by the doors, eagerly awaiting to see if any forest animals followed her inside. It was a dream that never once took place, quite disheartening really, particularly when you’re only three years old.

“That, Snow White would suggest we drank copious amounts of champagne,” I asserted giggling, returning her embrace. “Which I might add…you just happened to supply.”

She laughed. “In my defence, I only provided one bottle.” Her deep chocolate gaze playfully narrowed, scanning each of us. “But by the looks of you four already, you drank a bottle before you left home.”

“A whole bottle doesn’t go far between four, does it, Daddy?” Dominique insisted, hugging her beloved father.

“Aye, it doesn’t. But then your mother wouldn’t know because she doesn’t like sharing, even with me,” Jaxson dryly agreed, earning a deathly glare from his wife. “You all look positively stunning.” Glowing sapphire blue eyes twinkled as he bent down, kissing each of our cheeks. “You’ll be spending the night trying to run away from those handsome suitors we have here. How in those shoes, I haven’t the slightest? Perhaps I might suggest giving you each a cricket bat to swat them away?”

“No bats needed, Dad. Now promise the girls and me here, you won’t go chasing them off?” she haughtily demanded, grabbing the lapels of his black dinner jacket roughly.

“Now, Dom, the lack of faith in your father’s disheartening. Why on earth would I need to chase any suitor off?” His mouth twitched in wry amusement. Considering the Jaeger’s had lived in Australia for over twenty years, his Northern Irish lilt hadn’t lessened much either. “I’ll just send Ari after them if they dishonour any of you.”

Jaxson was Audrina’s Prince Charming. Dressed in his black dinner suit with his neatly combed raven hair substantially greying, he was still quite the head-turner, even at sixty.

“All righty then, you know it’s time to go and join the party when the ‘rents are embarrassing you already,” Dominique grumbled turning to Scarlett. “Are you coming?”

“Yes! I need to find me a man!” Linking her arm through Dominique’s, they promptly made their way towards the open French doors at the back of the house.

I just shook my head and followed. I was too busy perusing for somebody much older and much more handsome.

Dominique stood at the top of the brick-paved steps, her gaze keenly scanning the yard for Damien until she spotted him. “Ooh, there he is.” She excitedly pointed him out amongst the multitude of sleek suits and the rainbow of cocktail dresses.

I raised a dubious brow. How? They all looked the same.

Impressed, Scarlett gushed, “Wow, you were right; he’s adorable.”

If jocks were their thing, who was I to judge?

“Who’s cute? I hope you were talking about me?”

The four of us pivoted on the spikes of our heels simultaneously to find Bryson Jaeger’s eyes sparkling like freshly polished sapphires, ready to inflict mischief on an unsuspecting victim; mainly his youngest sister. Having inherited his father’s build; broad shoulders, long legs, and a dashing smile to match, the dark, slim-fit suit he’d donned for the evening, only accentuated every inch of his good looks.

“Bryson!” she squealed, hugging him tightly.

“Yeah happy to see you too sis...” He grinned, pulling away. “Ladies, how are you all tonight? You’re all looking ravishing as always,” he said before motioning to the petite blonde standing next to him, her large crystal blue eyes glittering under the fairy lights strung above us. “You remember my long-time girlfriend, Olivia Gilbert?”

“Of course we do!” Dom scoffed hugging her just as tightly.

Bryson’s eyes rolled. “We know you do; I was talking about the others ya daft bugger!”

Not wanting to be rude, I ushered forward and hugged her. “It’s good to see you again, Olivia.”

“Same,” she sweetly replied. “Enjoy the party.”

Dominique squeezed her brother’s arm affectionately. “Lovely to see you, bro, but we are on a mission tonight. But first we need to swing past the bar to grab another glass of bubbly, and then, we’re partying hard.”

Bryson’s eyes twinkled, his soft expression glowing in amusement. “You look like you’ve had an early start as it is.” Long fingers strummed his chin. “Let me guess – mother threw a bottle of champagne in the town car for you?”

“Perhaps…” She giggled, walking off towards the bar at the edge of the dance floor to grab a fresh glass of champagne before veering away in search of her jock. I set off in the opposite direction in search of Ari.

As usual, Audrina had spared no expense, setting the backyard up beautifully. The marquee with widely opened draping curtains housing several well-laid tables, each decorated with small glass vases filled with fragrant flowers. While tea light candles inside filigree metal hurricane lamps glowed, their intricate patterns adding a soft romantic shine over the fabric walls. In the corner of the makeshift timber dancefloor, a band gently played, their female singer crooning Billie Holiday renditions beautifully.

Confidently strolling across the floor, my head kept swivelling in the hope I’d run into Ari. Instead, I saw Scarlett fawning over Dom’s older cousin Gabriel on the edge of the garden. Not that I blamed her; he was rather handsome in a rugged kind of way, I suppose. Then my wandering gaze spotted Asher’s golden blonde hair as his towering frame slinked through the crowd, his sights squarely set on the gorgeous brunette beside Caleb whom I assumed to be his date. Oh, dear, I wouldn’t if I were you Asher; you’re bound to have your arse kicked.

The Jaeger men’s volatile temper was infamous amongst their social circle and the business world, Ari’s specifically. He had earned quite the reputation when it came to losing his, especially when it came to the media. That was a love-hate relationship, and he hadn’t ever shied away from telling them so either.

Speaking of which, if Asher was there, then where in the hell was Ari. Practically joined at the hip, surely it meant he wasn’t too far behind him.

I leaned on the bar and ordered a glass of champagne while still busily spying on Asher in the hope he’d dismally fall flat on his face. As the barman passed me my drink, I failed to notice the person hovering behind me and inadvertently stepped back, stumbling backwards against a solid wall of muscle.

Thankfully, a pair of smooth masculine hands caught me under the arms before I completely fell embarrassing myself even further. Using the firm biceps to my advantage, I slowly raised back to my feet and straightened with my champagne glass miraculously intact. Whoever he was, he smelled sinfully good.

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see you there,” I said carefully twirling around to meet my rescuer. My face flaming as deliciously dark chocolate eyes glinted at me. “Oh, Ari...um, how...hi, oh god,” I stammered. The proximity of his closeness and the muskiness of his cologne had left me weak at the knees, as had my foolish incoherence, making it impossible to form words that were worthy of any response.

His fingers grazed my arm, setting my body on fire. “No, I’m not God, but if you see me that way then… I say thank you,” he cockily murmured as he tilted his head and greedily raked over my body. “You, Teddy, look beautiful, as always.”

That voice. Swoon. I gulped nervously. “Ari…. there’s something I have to tell you.”

“As do I,” he whispered, gliding a hand over my bare shoulder. My eyes slid closed as I shivered in delight.

Reality suddenly dawned and confessing my feelings wasn’t going to come easily. My eyes flicking open, I pushed off Ari’s chest and stared regretfully. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. Excuse me.” Brushing past him, I stormed off into the house, leaving him well and truly confused.

As fast as my legs would carry me, I ran up the stairs and sought refuge in Dominique’s old room. I closed the door behind me and sagged against it, verbally castigating myself. “I’m such an idiot.”

Out of nowhere, hysterical laughter erupted. It was either the numerous glasses of champagne I’d speedily downed, or it was Dominique’s eclectically styled room. It was whimsical, a crazy, mishmash of colours, nothing matched, yet somehow it worked. My favourite feature, of course, was the giant wall of framed photos, each of them filled with the many memories us girls had shared over the years.

I bounced off the door and strolled across the room, my heels sinking into the plush, hot pink carpet — so many memories, with each one just as amazing as the last. Our Gold Coast holiday especially. Now that trip was wild; I recalled that much. We had squeezed in as much as possible into one short week, including the fun parks. Between the four of us, I was highly confident we had drunk each bar and nightclub we visited along the strip dry. The hangovers were horrendous to boot if that was any indication.

I heard the handle on the door turn forcing me to pivot suddenly and my breath to hitch; the butterflies had returned.

Ari smirked, his chin jerking towards the photos. “I bet my bottom dollar not one of you shall ever forget that week. Well, what you probably remember of it anyway,” he murmured, leaning his broad frame in the open doorway.

“My liver and kidneys certainly didn’t thank me for the abuse I dished out, that’s for sure.”

His heated and darkened gaze appeared to be undressing me, making me feel hot and wet with an unabashed need to rip my clothes off.

My hooded gaze drifted just as hungrily.

From the unruly, spiked jet-black hair on the top of his head to the long, taut legs crossed at the ankles, dressed in an expensive black suit and a white shirt, sans the tie, with the top button undone, he was quite the mouth-watering sight. Along with that, designer stubble growing along a defined, masculine jawline – the pleasure alone would be worth the facial rash.

Conversely, my shyness held me back. Otherwise, leaving my inhibitions behind and scattering them over the floor along with my clothes wouldn’t have been an issue.

Peeking coyly from beneath my lashes, I asked, “Are you in here to make more fun of me, Ari?”

Leisurely striding towards me, a ghost of a smile crossed his sinful mouth. “No, I’m not. And I wasn’t making fun of you earlier; I was only trying to make a joke, a bad one at that I’d say.”

“Clearly,” I uttered slowly stepping backwards until I felt my back connect with the wall behind me.

In slow, measured steps, Ari closed the gap between us as his sultry gaze stared darkly. His intent evident as his palms flattened against the wall, caging me in with his muscly physique. “You know how much I like you, Teddy? I always have,” he spoke softly, his raspy accent striking every nerve throughout my trembling body. The fire within reigniting as his soft lips repeatedly brushed in tender kisses over my parted mouth.

My tongue darted out, tasting his bottom lip. “Yes, as do I.”

Ari inhaled sharply, his fingers lightly gliding along my jawline and down my throat. The stirring feeling headed south, curling around my spine and into my groin. A triumphant smile danced on his lips as his hands travelled over the curves hiding beneath the figure-hugging dress. I felt his warm breath against my skin as a low, raspy growl rumbled. “You are…divine.”

His fingertips brushed down my thigh, and slid under the short hem of the dress, slowly finding their way inside my panties. Another low growl escaped. Somewhat an erotic sound I thought as his fingers worked their magic over my aching nub, rubbing and applying pressure until my body stiffened and shook in response.

“Ari…” I moaned, gripping the lapels of his jacket tightly as my climax overwhelmed me.

“I’d say you feel the same way,” he whispered hoarsely, stroking along the bare silken folds of my cleft, my climax soaking his probing fingers.

I was about to respond when a ruckus in the doorway interrupted us, not that it diverted Ari’s attention.

“Oh, here you BOTH are!” Dominique exclaimed loudly, stumbling through the doorway.

Regardless of her intrusion, he inconspicuously kept up the tantalising strokes. “Get out, Dom.”

My jaw gaped at the relaxed demeanour. How was Ari so damned calm? I certainly wasn’t! Oh, sweet Jesus, this was pure torture. Worse when I felt my legs stiffening from the strain.

His encouraging whisper purred in my ear, “Just let go.” Was he mad? Oh, fuck it.

I leaned into his shoulder, muffling my cries as another intense orgasm ripped through me.

“Will you two go ahead and do it already? You know you want too. Put yourselves, and us, out of our misery for goodness sake!”

An irritated growl rumbled, making me giggle. “I’m trying, but you won’t take the hint and leave.”

“It’s my room, so how about you leave! Go to your old room if ya wanna fuck each other senseless!”

Ari peered down at me and smiled warmly before looking over at his sister and growling at her. “Are you quite finished my darling sister? You’re not only embarrassing Teddy but also yourself. Now, go, and have some food, and water, while you’re at it!” he scolded in a fatherly fashion. “I believe you’ve had enough alcohol for one night.”

She stubbornly folded her arms over her chest. “Don’t tell me what to do, brother!”

“Are you coming, Teddy?” Blowing out a disgruntled sigh, he held out a hand and seemed immensely pleased when I gladly accepted it. Anything if it meant we could be alone elsewhere, and away from prying eyes.

Dominique giggled uncontrollably. “I’m sure she wants to.”

Fed up and flustered, his hand dropped from mine. “Out!” he barked, pushing his sister towards the open doorway.

“All right, I’m going! And don’t touch me!” she growled fiercely poking his hands away. “Who knows where those hands have been!”

“Go! Now!”

“And stay off my bed!” In a drunken huff, Dominique noisily stumbled and took off. Quietly and inwardly, I prayed she’d made it to the bottom of the winding staircase safely.

“Right, now my annoying little sister has left the both of us utterly embarrassed, shall we proceed to somewhere a little less noisy? Perhaps my bedroom might be more suitable as opposed to this pink nightmare?” Ari queried, holding out his hand once more.

Stupidly, I refused to take it and instead, I just stared, clasping both hands close to my chest. “I can’t.”

He expressed his dismay, “Why not? Have I done something wrong, Teddy?”

Facing the puzzled gaze on his face pained me beyond repair. “It’s...I feel the same way, and was hoping...” Blinking pooling tears away, I sighed despondently. “I was hoping tonight would finally bring us together.”

Ari tugged at my chin. “Look at me, please?” he whispered, cupping my face. As he wiped my falling tears away with the soft pads of his thumbs, his intense gaze softened. “Believe it or not, I had the same notion.”

Suddenly he launched himself at me, and firmly grasped my nape as his mouth hungrily claimed mine. My fingers twisted through his thick hair, as the seduction and desperation left me lost in the electrifying kiss.

I moaned and arched into the hard slab that was his body, absorbing the feel of his hands as they began roaming. One slid down my back, pinning us together. His noticeably impressive bulge straining against the soft curve of my stomach, an indication if I ever felt one of the apparent effect I had on him.

Then unbidden thoughts raced through my mind, tragically reminding me why we never came together to begin with, and why we could never be. Panting harshly, I pushed away from Ari, my hand flattening against his firm chest as he endeavoured to move closer. “No, I can’t.”

Heavily panting, Ari’s brows knitted together. “Why not?” Again, he attempted to reach out to me. I shook my head heatedly. His disappointed gaze eyeing me with longing as his arm dropped back to his side.

Never again, could he look at me the same way if I explained the truth behind my reasoning. It just wasn’t possible.

“It’s…I just can’t. Excuse me, Ari.” Like the coward I was, I ran from the bedroom, leaving him behind, lost, and perplexed. Again.

Sins & Secrets

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