Читать книгу Schizophrenia - Orna Ophir - Страница 2




Title Page


Preface Notes


Introduction: The Ends of a Diagnosis If You Want a Label Carving Nature at Its Joints The End of a Diagnosis? A Difference in Kind or in Degree? Madness from Antiquity to the Present Day Notes

1. From the Bible to Bleuler Prophets or Beasts? Madness in the Bible Unsacred Brains and Untamed Horses: Madness in Greco-Roman Texts Holy and Unholy Madness in Medieval Times Early Modern Madness: God, Satan, Witches, and Poison Modern Madness: A Disease Entity, a Natural Kind Psychiatric Classification and the Making of Schizophrenia Notes

2. The Birth of “the Schizophrenias” More than a “Renamer”: Paul Eugen Bleuler The Birth of the Schizophrenias Notes

3. Psychoanalysis and Schizophrenia Freud’s Analysis of Schreber: Strangeness Made Familiar Beyond the Schreber Case Freud’s Dual Legacy Melanie Klein and Her Legacy Psychoanalysis in Psychiatric Hospitals Notes

10  4. A Moving Target The Psychiatric Bible DSM-I (1952): Schizophrenic Reactions DSM-II (1968): From Reaction to Disease DSM-III (1980): Narrowing Down the Concept of Schizophrenia DSM-III-R (1987): Schizophrenia, in the Singular DSM-IV (1994): Broadening the Concept of Schizophrenia Transition Toward the Spectrum of Schizophrenia DSM-5 (2013): Shifting the Paradigm, the Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders A Moving Target Notes

11  5. Hearing Voices Hearing Voices in the Ancient World Women and Voice-Hearing in Medieval Times The Renaissance and Onward to the Protestant Reformation Hearing Voices and Modern Psychiatry The Role of Culture Listening to the Voices A New Identity: The Voice-Hearer Notes

12  6. Stigma and the Problem of Naming Schizophrenia as “Life Unworthy of Life”: The Aktion T-4 Program A Dangerous Diagnosis Self-Stigma “Schizophrenic Skins:” Racial Stigma The Case of “Sluggish Schizophrenia” in the Soviet Union Moving Forward: Possible Solutions Minding Our Words: Considering a Name Change From Split Mind to Integration Disorder: A Terminological Change in East Asia From Schizophrenia to “Salience Disorder”: Renaming the Diagnosis in Europe and the United States Dropping the Term “Schizophrenia”: The Case of the ISPS Towards the Future: A Destigmatizing Story Notes

13  7. The Ethics of a Diagnosis Notes

14  Index

15  End User License Agreement


1 Introduction: The Ends of a DiagnosisFigure 1 Joseph Jastrow, The duck–rabbit illusion (1899)

2 Chapter 2Figure 2 Emil Kraepelin (1856–1926) was the first, in 1896, to regard dementia praecox, …Figure 3 Paul Eugen Bleuler (1857–1939)Figure 4 Title page of the first 1911 edition of Bleuler’s Dementia Praecox: The Group of …

3 Chapter 3Figure 5 The Burghölzli Clinic, where Bleuler coined the term schizophrenia and where …Figure 6 Karl Abraham (1877–1925)Figure 7 Melanie Klein (1882–1960)

4 Chapter 5Figure 8 Hildegard von Bingen (1098–1179)

5 Chapter 6Figure 9 Breaking the stigma



Table of Contents

Title Page




Begin Reading


End User License Agreement











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