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Score your workplace:


This can be scored in a way that suits your particular workplace. For example, place the percentage of people who you believe would agree with the statements under each dimension. Alternatively, place a percentage that indicates how close you believe your business is to displaying this characteristic: (e.g., 80 percent of my people would agree with these statements; we are probably 60 percent of the way to running our business with this in mind, ‘running’ being defined as the way we motivate, connect, collaborate, define our strategies, develop our objectives, and make our decisions at work).

Your workplace report card: 2 Fs and 7 Cs

 _____ Fair trade: I do a fair day's work for a fair day's return. My return on the discretionary effort I volunteer is rewarded both financially and personally. I know I contribute, I know what I do counts. I am given a fair go!

 _____ Freedom: I feel in control of my destiny, I can think, feel and share. I have a voice. I can have an opinion. In my world, I can agree or disagree, but then I commit. I am trusted as a responsible adult.

 _____ A Cause: I have a purpose. I know I make a difference. I am working for something bigger than profits, productivity, or production. What I do and how I do it contributes to a cause. I know I must make my world a better place to be – both at and outside work. I know I need to keep my company healthy, to keep myself and my world healthy.

 _____ Confidence: I feel my doubts are resolved, my world is transparent, and communication is fluid. I know when things are going well or not, and I know when I've done a great job. I trust the people around me. I trust my managers and leaders. I have one foot in the present and one foot in the future. I feel I am set up for success.

 _____ A Clean infrastructure: I feel my workplace works for and not against me. There are clean processes, systems, procedures, and policies to help me. Nothing stops me from doing my job well. I have clarity about what‘s important and what I need to do. I know where to go if I need help. I am supported by an infrastructure that has been built with me in mind. My workplace also fits with the outside world; it is responsible.

 _____ Connections: I am in a partnership with my colleagues and peers; we connect. I feel worthy, I have a great relationship with my co-workers and managers, my customers and suppliers. People understand me.

 _____ Collaboration – My workplace is a network of alliances working toward a common purpose: to be the best we can be. If one fails, we all fail; together we succeed. We follow the best, not just the boss. We come together naturally to achieve our results.

 _____ Community: I feel I have a network of support with a community spirit. We build communities of practice, of expertise, of problem solving, and involvement. We are social and professional. We bring the outside world in and contribute to the world outside.

 _____ Capability: I know I am capable of performing my role, my job. I am learning all the time from others, from across the business, and from the outside. I am surrounded by capable people. Because of this, I feel I am growing, and our results show we are growing. I work for a capable organization. I know we are set up for success.

FIGURE 1.1 Things You Need to Do Right Now.

Manage to Engage

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