Читать книгу iPad and iPad Pro For Dummies - Paul McFedries - Страница 14
The iPad as an e-book reader
ОглавлениеDownload the free Books app if you don’t already have it, or any of the excellent (and free) third-party e-book readers such as the Kindle app from Amazon, and you’ll discover a new way of finding and reading books. The Apple Book Store and News app (covered in Chapter 7) are chock-full of good reading at prices that are lower than what you’d pay for a printed copy.
Better still, when you read an e-book, you’re helping the environment and saving trees. Furthermore, some (if not many) titles include audio, video, or graphical content not available in the printed editions. Plus, a great number of good books are free. And best of all, you can carry your entire library in one hand. If you’ve never read a book on your iPad, give it a try. I think you’ll like (or love) it.