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d) Gathering and Fermentation.


The gathering of the fruit is effected by means of long rods, at the end of which is a semi-circular knife for cutting through the stalk. The fruits are then split in two, the beans separated from the surrounding pulp and spread out on screens to dry, or exposed to the sun on bamboo floors. Beans so prepared are described as unfermented.

In most lands where cacao is cultivated, another process is adopted, calculated to heighten the flavour of the fruit and develop its nutritious constituents. The newly gathered beans are first partially freed from the fruity substances always adhering, then piled up into heaps and covered with banana skins or cocoa-nut matting, in order that they may be shut off as far as possible from all atmospheric influence, and so left for some time, while the chemical processes of warming and fermentation are gradually consummating. This procedure is alternated with repeated exposures to the sun, according to the maturity and species of the cacao bean, and the prevailing weather conditions; though details as to the length of time and number of repetitions necessary to the production of a marketable article still await determination.6 It may be taken as a general rule that fermentation should proceed till the bean, or rather the cotyledon, has acquired the light brown colour characteristic of chocolate. This principle is nevertheless often violated, especially as loss of weight in the bean is often intimately connected with complete fermentation. Unsufficiently fermented varieties, but which were fully ripe when gathered, develop a violet colour during this process; it is possible for them to pass through what is known as “After fermentation” before reaching the factory. This is not so in the case of beans developing from unripe fruit, for obviously the valuable constituents of the cotyledon are here not prominent, and scarcely calculated to ferment properly. Such can be recognised by their betraying a bluish grey colour in the drying processes, and the soft and smooth structure which they then acquire. A normal progress of fermentation is indicated where the interior of the mass of beans registers, on the first morning after gathering, a temperature not exceeding 30–33° C, 35–38° on the second day, and on the third morning a temperature not exceeding 43° C. If the outer shells are marked, the heating has been too severe. In countries where the harvest season suffers from the periodical rains, drying over wooden fires7 is often resorted to. The value of many specimens is hereby greatly diminished when the roasting is carelessly managed, for the smoke must on no account be allowed to come into contact with the bean. Yet “Smoky” lots among the St. Thomas, Accra, and Kameroon sorts were formerly much more frequent in commerce than now, for the planter has learned to avoid this evil. After they have been fermented, the beans are washed, or trodden with the naked foot, in some countries, and so cleansed from the pulp remains still adhering. They are then allowed to dry in the open air, and packed into sacks; contact with metal or stone is strictly to be avoided, which as good conductors of heat and rapid cooling agents are most disadvantageous. Instead of piling the beans up in loose heaps, they may be fermented in “Tanks” made of wood, and where possible, provided with partitions. According to Kindt, cedar wood has been proved best for this purpose, because of its enormous resisting capacity. It used to be thought that in fermentation ensued a germination of the seed,8 as in the preparation of malt; but this idea has been proved erroneous. The contrary is rather the case, for the process almost kills the seed; and when the sensitiveness of the latter is taken into consideration, and also the fact that it only develops under the most favourable conditions, it must be allowed that the statement contains an obvious truth. Yet chemical change does take place in the fermentation of the seed; but as to its precise nature, owing to the lack of scientific research on the scene of operations, we are still unable to dogmatise. It would therefore be useless to discuss the manifold theories and speculations bearing on this point, and waste of time to discuss the various kinds of fermentation and the chemical processes therein involved. Yet it may almost be taken for granted, that the fresh-plucked bean contains a so-called glycoside9 which decomposes into grape sugar, into an equally amyloids colour stuff (the so-called cacao-red), and the nitrogeneous alkaloids Theobromine and Kaffein; a change probably incidental to the fermentation.10 The sugar might further split up into Alcohol and Carbonic Acid Gas, although this is by no means established.

Whilst we have lost our bearings as far as the chemical aspect of this process is concerned, we are much more firm in respect to the biological, thanks to researches which Dr. v. Preyers has conducted on the spot in Ceylon. Preyer’s11 experiments leave absolutely no room for objection, and it can safely be accepted that there are no bacteria present in fermentation, but a fungus-like growth rich in life, a kind of yeast by him called Saccharomyces Theobromae, and described in passing;12 facts which constitute the gist of his findings. He further establishes that the presence of bacteria often noticed is absolutely undesirable, and that better results are obtained when all life is energetically combated, and especially these bacteria. We should, then, be confronted with the same phenomenon in the preparation of cacao as are already met with in beer brewing, and the pressing of wine and which are still waited for in the preparing of tea and tobacco.

The kernel of the fresh bean, “Nips”, is white and has a bitter taste and alternates in colour between whitish yellow, rose and violet; the mere influence of solar heat is sufficient to produce the brown cacao pigment, but drying is not so effective as fermentation in removing the harsh bitter taste and hence fermented beans are always to be preferred. These have often acquired a darker colour in the process, their weight is considerably diminished, and their flavour modified to an oily sweetness, without losing an atom of the original aroma13.

Commercially and for manufacturing purposes only the seeds of the cacao tree are of importance. The root bark is said by Herr Loyer of Manila to be of medicinal value as a remedy for certain common female complaints and is employed by the natives of the Philippine Islands as an abortifacient. According to Peckoldt14 the fruit shell contains a considerable amount of material that yields mucilage and might therefore be utilised as a substitute for linseed.

The Manufacture of Chocolate and other Cacao Preparations

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