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Email Letter Fifty Three

Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


Shifting The Security Concern Off Of The Street

I am helping the wall street protestors and other protestors around the world move into a new peaceful environment that makes them much easier to manage peacefully and seamlessly.

Hopefully this will help to close the door on covert public opportunities to create assassination attempts.

I posted this article on Aljazeera and I will also copy several protest groups with the information below.

Perhaps in the Middle East and in the West a fresh economics strategy to protestors may give people in old terrorism groups, or civilians, something creative to do that will naturally empower their people and country peacefully.

Discover Empowering Ideas To Help Rebuild The Middle East Empire Part 6…Empowering Strategies That Focus On The Issues Like The Wall Street Protest

Protesting an issue can be accomplished in many ways. What I recommend is the global organizations make the protests fun and entertaining, and create funding to empower their protest.

If you can accomplish this legally and safely your messages will have the built in momentum to resonate inside the hearts of civilians, big bankers, corporations and politicians for a very long time.

When you face a political or corporate or big bank enemy on the civilian battlefield you need to think like your enemy in order to defeat your enemy.

If you manage to create funding you can spend this money on media advertising and newspapers and online news releases and You Tube releases that explain your objectives.

Work like a politician with 5-6 key point issues you want accomplished in the country and craft your potential solutions to the challenges. Once you have accomplished these issues create 5 -6 more issues you want improved and do the program over again.

In order to create the order of topics use democracy and create a vote, and encourage people in your group to submit the issue that concerns them the most, and an idea they would use to solve this crisis issue they are closest too.

When you are searching for fund raiser movements look at what has successfully worked in the past. Live 8 accomplished many powerful objectives like get the message out and also raised funding for the under privileged. Charge a small admission to the new Live 99% Concert events and mimic how the protest they created went around the world on television.

The countries are full of musicians and comedians that would love an opportunity to excel their career on national television or You Tube. They may even create songs that explain what it is you’re trying to achieve globally.

This would also allow you to sell toys, t-shirts, cd and DVD’s on the event plus advertising dollars for companies that advertise during the event and online off web sites at a later date. Not everyone will come to a street protest however many would purchase an item online from you’re not for profit programming designed to empower the world.

If you want to create a larger impact than the street, organize a monthly concert and invite speakers and comedians to speak at the events inside of a heated building, which makes it comfortable for the people that follow your protest movement.

The theory behind the ideas I have created, are to seamlessly penetrate society, and in doing so you create momentum. Encourage people to vote for a politician that most helps you achieve your goals of empowering the 99% in the next upcoming elections.

To win at this protest game, the people in charge need to make the operations fun to attend, and create a profit that can be peacefully used to empower the 99% movement. You can always go to the street in a march to show the politicians your show of strength and following of people. Your group can focus on one corporation and boycott their products peacefully and encourage that corporation or big bank or politician to change their practices and do more to help the 99%.

The movement can also push the Robin Hood tax for big banks and in doing all three operations simultaneously create a powerful peaceful movement for the 99%, and generate more government tax revenues to enhance more spending of social programs for the 99%.


If you peacefully implement this type of strategy your movement to protest on behalf of the 99% will work with police and politicians and corporations and big banks.

If you implement peace empowerment strategies that are flexible and creative, creating country GDP increases. Creating employment in your organization and spending money on media, you will accomplish even more than you ever imagined.

Thank you for your important time required to read this article of economic peace empowerment.

20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two

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