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Email Letter Forty Six

Dear Mr. Prime Minister Steven Harper


A Covert Letter With The First E-book In This Series Attached To The Email Sent To The Web Master For The Diplomatic Iran Embassy Web Site

I realize I am out on a limb and this is not my business, however I like the President of the USA and the Secretary of State of the USA.

The capital cost for the USA to go to war with Iran will be off the chart.

Placing sanctions on Iran only fuels the negative energy martyred aspect of their leader.

So I emailed the web master of the Iran government web site my first peace empowerment strategy book. Hopefully guilty by association to education the leaders of Iran will change their ways.

The USA has enough headaches with the economy in turmoil full of protesters.

I hope my work going the extra mile to help reshape Iranian peace empowerment thinking has not angered anyone.

From: Perry Ritthaler [mailto:ptye@shaw.ca]

Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 11:28 PM

To: 'webmaster@persia.org'

Subject: Peace Empowerment Strategy To Help Avoid Sanctions and War

Perhaps you owe me a favor if I provide you with some intelligence strategy I have created to help avoid war.

The Middle East will be a trading, tourism Empire with global respect if you follow the lead in the strategy and carve your own path.

Not to mention the thousands of lives we can protect from bombing and certain death.

Perry Ritthaler, CEO, Owner

Digital Mind Coach




20th Century Cyber War Zone Operations Part Two

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