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4. The Drink: Lemons, Maple Syrup, Cayenne, Water
ОглавлениеIf you drink less than six glasses a day, you will not lose as much weight and may have more severe detox symptoms. Here are the recipes:
Ideal recipe, if freshly extracted sugar cane juice is available:
• 10 ounces of medium-hot or cold, freshly extracted sugar cane juice
• 2 tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) of fresh squeezed lemon/lime juice
• 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper or to taste
Next best recipe:
• 2 tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) of freshly squeezed lemon/lime juice
• 2 tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) of organic Grade B maple syrup
• 1/10teaspoon of cayenne pepper or to taste
• 8 ounces of medium-hot (or cold if you prefer) spring, purified or distilled water
The enzymes in the lemon break down the layers of old waste in the colon. Although the lemon is acidic, it becomes alkaline when digested and the alkalinity helps neutralize the acidity of the toxic wastes. Try to get organic lemons from your local health food store, if possible, as they contain more minerals than non-organic ones. The lemon juice must be fresh squeezed, not bottled. The enzymes begin to break down within hours and heating (Pasteurizing) kills them completely. If you must prepare the drinks for most of the day—for taking to work, for example—prepare only that much and make fresh lemonade when you get home for the rest of the day. To make up more than one day’s lemonade at one time or to try to save the squeezed lemon juice for another day will lose a great deal of the potency of the lemons.
Burroughs says to never to vary the amount of lemon juice in each drink. You can increase or decrease the maple syrup, but not the amount of the lemon juice.
The maple syrup supplies the sugar for energy and more importantly, it supplies the needed minerals. Use the darkest organic maple syrup you can find, which in the U.S. is Grade B. A is lighter than B. The darker the syrup, the more minerals. So try to get B if possible, but any organic grade will do. There is no Grade C anymore. If you are buying Canadian syrup, just get the darkest organic maple syrup you can find. The reason for organic is that some companies use formaldehyde in the process of tapping the trees. Organic grade B maple syrup can be found in most health food stores.
If you cannot find maple syrup, freshly extracted sugar cane juice makes the ideal lemonade drink. See the previous page for the recipe. A less-than-optimum substitute is sorghum, but Burroughs says it does not produce results as good. Use two tablespoons, the same amount as maple syrup.
If you are diabetic see the section “For Those With Diabetes or High Blood Pressure” below.
Agave nector should not be used. Agave must be heated to make it sweet. The heating creates fructose and agave has more fructose than high fructose corn syrup, which was linked to obesity in a Princeton University study.47
Cayenne pepper contains Vitamin A, several B vitamins and Vitamin C and has been used by master herbalists for dilating blood vessels, dissolving mucus and feeding the heart. It is sold in several heat strengths as measured in heat units. If you do not usually eat hot food, buy the 30,000 heat unit cayenne. African Bird Pepper is 80,000 heat units. It is really hot.
I know I am repeating myself, but this is important. If you do not like cayenne pepper, you may be tempted to take capsules, leave it out or take a concentrated dose and then drink the lemonade without the pepper. Do not do these things. Cayenne acts like an accelerator pedal for the cleanse. It is a learned taste, meaning you have to try it a few times before you like it. So, if you do not like it, just add a tiny pinch to the first few drinks and gradually build up the amount as it is comfortable for you to do.
Another reason not to take cayenne in capsules is the body must digest the capsule to gain the benefit of the cayenne. You are not eating anything that requires digestion to give your digestive system a chance to rest as well as cleanse itself. Since digestion uses 30 percent of the body’s energy, you are gaining more usable energy by eliminating digestion. So, taking cayenne capsules should not be done.