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I’m just an average Joe. I came upon the Master Cleanse because I was pig-headed enough to keep looking for a natural way to handle my failing health that would not cost me an arm and a leg and would not cause unwanted side effects. I just decided to keep looking until I found that way. Fortunately for me, I succeeded.

I am not a licensed health professional and cannot diagnose or prescribe. However, I knew what it had done for me in 2003 and I began to tell others on the Internet. There I saw the Master Cleanse help more than 100 people regain and maintain their vibrant good health in our first ever group Master Cleanse in January 2004. I also saw that people had the same questions over and over. So, I decided to write this book to answer those questions. Since then I have been fortunate enough to see literally thousands of people benefit from it. In January 2009 alone, we had more than 1,200 people doing the Master Cleanse on our Forum! (You can sign up at www.TheRawFoodSite.com /forum. Or you can also visit the Forum through my Master Cleanse Coach iPhone app by tapping “MC Community” on the first or second page.)

From reading some of the great healers of the past, I believe people can extend their lives and avoid illness and disease if they eat mostly real, live food (raw fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts), drink unpolluted and unfluoridated water, and clean their colons frequently.

I firmly believe that each person is responsible for his or her own health. If you want to be healthy, have energy and feel good, you must learn what is involved and apply it. You have to monitor what goes into your mouth, what exercise you do, what air you breathe, and most important of all, what thoughts you think. And you need to detoxify regularly.

The good news is that valuable knowledge is available if you take the time to look for it and are willing to determine if The Master Cleanse is true for you and your body. The reason you have to determine it for yourself is that each person’s body is potentially different. For example, most people find penicillin valuable for killing bacteria. Some people are allergic and can die from it.

You are the only person who can make the determination of what is useful or not for you. Health professionals can give you valuable information and do other wonderful things, but ultimately, the buck stops with you. So you have to learn to use good judgment along with your experience, and that includes determining if the information in this book is useful to you.

Therefore, the information in this application is solely for educational purposes. It is not intended as medical advice or to diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe. If you decide to follow it, it must be because you have determined that it would be good for you to try it.

Each person should seek the counsel of their health professional, and then use his or her own judgment. This caution applies to the information in this book and that posted on the website— www.TheRawFoodSite.com. In fact, this caution applies to any information in life.

If you are in ill health, have any disease or are taking any medications and want to do the Master Cleanse, consult your licensed healthcare professional first. Most especially, do not discontinue any medications without guidance from a licensed healthcare professional.

I think the Master Cleanse is great. You have to decide for yourself. I am only telling my story and some of the many stories on the www.TheRawFoodSite.com bulletin board. If you have made the decision to do the Master Cleanse, congratulations for doing something really wonderful for yourself and your body!

Best wishes for your vibrant good health,

Peter Glickman

Lose Weight, Have More Energy and Be Happier in 10 Days

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