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Moel Llyfnant

It is never easy to live in the shadow of a famous relation, and that is precisely Moel Llyfnant's problem. Seen from the Lliw Valley, Arenig Fawr and Moel Llyfnant stand very much on equal terms. From the more usual N viewpoints, however, Moel Llyfnant is totally outclassed – small, grassy, smooth and round where Arenig Fawr is vast, rugged and photogenic. However, it is still a worthy addition to a day spent exploring its better half. Although it is a predominantly grassy hill, Moel Llyfnant is capped with a small rocky crown and sprouts minor crags on its S and W flanks that demand respect in mist.

N ridge (AG5)

Walk to Amnoddwen as in AG2 and then branch R through the forest. After a second deserted farm, Amnodd-bwll, stay with the path as it curls round Llyfnant's N ridge and peters out. Now take to the hillside for a short slog up to the summit cairn. This simple walk can also be commenced from the A4212 at 806385 where a forest road signposted to Nantddu leads to Amnodd-bwll (AG5,1).

E face (AG6)

Follow AG2 to the col between Arenig Fawr and Moel Llyfnant, then prepare for a hard grind up the hillside. The col is marshy in places, and dry feet are best ensured by staying close to the remnants of a tumbledown wall. Tiring though it can be in hot weather, this is the best way up Moel Llyfnant as there is something about this lonely col that makes the ascent a strangely rewarding experience. Arenig Fawr is tremendous across the valley.

SW face (AG7)

A SW descent is useful if you wish to move on to Foel Boeth. It is simply a matter of rambling down the rough broken slope until you meet the bulldozed road that penetrates the upper reaches of the Lliw Valley near the farmstead of Beudy Uchaf at 797344. In mist proceed N from the summit for about 200 paces before dropping down in order to avoid some minor crags.

S approach (AG8)

For another descent follow the summit fence S until you are clear of crags R. It is then a straightforward but soggy trek down to the road near Pont Blaen-lliw.

Hillwalking in Wales - Vol 1

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